Mag Card


A site can specify that staff clock in using a mag card that is issues to them. To require logging in with a mag card, the user's job is configured in ECM to not allow logging in via keypad. 

  • To set up mag card clock-in:

    • Set Mag card BIN ranges 

    • Assign mag card to user;  the mag card's last four digits comprise the user's key code. 

    • Enter the key code in the user's account 

    • Assign a job to the user that doesn't not require login via keypad


  • Log in to site's ECM

  • On the navigation bar, go to Users  >  Mag Card

  • In the Mag Card Settings, click Add BIN range (BIN is an acronym for Bank Identification Number.) A blank row will be displayed 

  • Enter the first relative digits of the low and high ranges and the number of digits on the mag card series

  • Click Save to save changes

  • To delete any BIN range, click Delete on the desired row 

Assign mag card to user

  • Go to Users (from the primary nav)

  • Click the edit icon (pencil) to edit an employee

  • On Site(s) Assignment, click the Key Code field and enter the last four digits of the mag card assigned to the user 

  • Click Save to save changes or Cancel to cancel changes

  • REQUIRED: Each user must be assigned at least one job and have a rate entered in order to log in to the app.

Assign job to user

  • On the Jobs and Rates tab, select the appropriate job for the user. 

    • The job must have the permission setting "Can log in with keypad" set to inactive. This will require the user to clock in with their mag card. 

  • Click Save and deploy to POS device

Mag cards assigned to guests

In a PMS system, mag cards may be assigned to guests. 

  • If NorthStar is in guest-facing user interface and a staff card is swiped, the system will switch to staff-facing user interface. 

After staff swipe: 

  • If NorthStar is in guest-facing UI and a guest card is swiped, the system will remain in guest-facing UI. 

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