Tip Pool Setup
A tip pool is the setup of how the user wants any tips to be collected from contributors and then handed out to Recipients.
- 1 Tip Pooling Tab
- 1.1 Adding/Editing/Deleting Tip Pools
- 1.2 Add Tip Pool
- 1.3 General Info
- 1.4 Sites
- 1.5 Contributors
- 1.5.1 Add Rules
- 1.5.2 Report Display
- 1.6 Recipients
- 1.6.1 Distribute Tips
- 1.6.2 Pro-rata
- 1.6.3 Report Display
- 1.7 Confirm
- 2 Tip Distribution Tab
- 2.1 Sites
- 2.2 Tip Pool
- 2.3 Date
- 2.4 Total Pool and Total Distributed
- 3 Validator Tab
- 4 Reports Tab
- 4.1 Report Columns
Tip Pooling Tab
Adding/Editing/Deleting Tip Pools
Add tip pool
Tip pool details
Edit tip pool
Delete tip pool
When using the delete tip pool, a warning prompt displays before the tip pool is deleted.
Once deleted, there is no way to get the tip pool back.
Add Tip Pool
Adding a tip pool will add a new tip pool based on the sites, contributors and recipients selected.
General Info
Tip Pool Name
Calculate distribution by:
This will set up the tip pool for calculation based on one of the following:
Pay Period
Takes all the tips for the entire pay period before calculating the distribution.
Takes all the tips for the day then caluclates distribution
When this is selected a Shift Start and Shift end field will display.
This will take all the tips between the shift start and shift end time that is setup.
Distribute tips based on:
This set sup the time value to use when distributing tips.
Send to kitchen time
This will calculate the distribution based on when the check was sent to the kitchen.
Ticket close time
This will calculate the distribution based on when the checks were closed.
Ticket start time
This will calculate the distribution based on when the checks were opened.
This allows a user to select which sites they want the tip pool available.
Active jobs set in ECM can be chosen as a contributor to the tip pool.
Add Rules
Allows you to set the contribution type, value, value type, sales category and area for the job setup in for tip pooling.
Contribution Type - Set what contribution type you want for this job.
Value - Set what specific value.
Value Type - After setting the value, set what specific value type that value represents.
Sales Category - Assign the sales category this tip pool will adhere to.
Area - Set the area where the tip pool will be set to.
Report Display
Any contributions set up will be shown under Cont Fixed Amount, Cont Declared Tips, Cont Charged Tips, Cont Gratuities, or Cont Net Sales, and will be totaled under Total Cont.
Any Contributors set up in this tip pool will be shownin the report if they have any applicable contributions to this tip pool.
Allows user to select jobs receiving from this set tip pool.
Distribute Tips
Evenly - Will distribute total tips as close to even as possible per selected job.
Custom - Set the percentage distribution per selected job. It must equal up to 100%.
Pass-Through - Allows each contributor to receive their own contribution to the pool. It does not utilize percentage.
Tips will basically be calculated upon the amount of hours worked within the tip pool distribution period.
Report Display
Any recipients of contributions will be shown under Dist Fixed Amount, Dist Declared Tips, Dist Charged Tips, Dist Gratuities, or Dist Net Sales, and totaled in Total Dist.
Displays all the setup done for this specific Tip Pool. Make sure to verify all changes and the sites the tip pool will affect.
Tip Distribution Tab
Select sites, tip pool setup from previous section, and select a date to distribute tips accordingly.
Choose a site to distribute to here.
Tip Pool
Select the tip pool that you have set up.
This will only be visible if the selected site was chosen for the specified tip pool from the previous section - Sites
Select a timeframe on where you want the tips distributed from.
One all sections completed, tap Distribute.
Total Pool and Total Distributed
This section will display the total amount of tips taken into the pool and distributed from this section.
Validator Tab
The Validator lets the ECM user add employees to display and validate the tip