Guest UI - Fonts


The fonts for various text elements in the guest-facing user interface can be configured on the UI Font Settings page. 


  • Go to UI Modifications > Guest UI > Fonts
  • Select a Concept.
  • Columns in the grid can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking the header column.

  • To change a font for a text element (such as Body Text):
    • Go to the Font column and click the font name.
    • A drop-down list will show the fonts available for selection. 
    • To revert back to the default font, click Use Default.
    • Save Changes/Cancel Changes - Click to save or discard changes made 

Fonts available

American Typewriter

Bodoni 72 Smallcaps


Hoefler Text

Sinhala Sangam MN

Academy Engraved LETBodoni OrnamentsGeeza ProKailasaSnell Roundhand
Apply Color EmojiBradley HandGeorgiaKannada Sangam MNTamil Sangam MN
AppleGothicChalkboard SEGill SansMalayalam Sangam MNTelugu Sangam MN
ArialChalkdusterGujarati Sangam MNMarionThonburi
Arial HebrewCochinGurmukhi MNMarker FeltTimes New Roman
Arial Rounded CopperplateHeiti SCNoteworthyTrebuchet MS
Arial Rounded MT BoldCourierHeiti TCOptimaVerdana
Bangia Sangam MNCourier NewHelveticaOriya Sangam MNZapf Dingbats
Baskerville Devangari Sangam MNHelvetica NeuePalatinoZapfino
Bodoni 72DidotHiragino Kaku Gothic PronPapyrus
Bodoni 72 OldstyleEuphemia UCASHiragino Mincho ProNParty LET