Cashier Menu

The Cashier Menu has features primarily related to functions a cashier or a manager might use.  

To access this page on the iPad from the Ordering Menu of the staff user interface, swipe the page left twice. The first swipe will access the Location Menu; the second will access the Cashier Menu. 

Functions available: 

Time Clock - Cashier MenuAccesses the time clock page where employees can clock in, declare or adjust tips, view, create or adjust punches and print their time card
AdjustmentsNavigates to the adjustments page (also accessible from the take payment screen) where the user can make adjustments (void, comp, discount, tax exempt) at the check level or the item level
ReportsAccesses the Reports page showing a list of available Order Entry reports. (Default: Daily Sales Report)
Paid In/Out Launches a modal dialog window where the user can create and submit a paid-out or paid-in transaction
Training ModeLaunches a modal dialog window with a list of users that can be selected and assigned to training mode
Guest-Facing StatusLaunches a modal dialog window where staff can change whether Guest-facing is available for the current iPad.
menu managerLaunches a modal dialog window where the user can change the status of an item to out-of-stock (disabling the menu item on all iPads so it cannot be ordered ).
General RefundAllows a user to perform a general refund by ordering menu items to be negative value.
Reopen Closed Check Launchers a modal dialog window where the user can enter the number of a previous check to preview or reopen a closed check.
System MessagesDisplays recently published changes to ECM and allows a user to download updates if available.
Edit Settings Lists the Site Name, Address, Port, Socket Port and Device Name. A user may also select force data load to automatically load updates the next time the application is restarted.
An action button can be tapped to allow the user to test a card reader or initialize a payment device.