CBS IDLE Screen Block
How to properly set up - CBS IDLE Screen Block
Log to the Admin Panel
Go to Pages
Click on the Checkout page (Note - Add a page if needed)
click on Edit
Click on (+)
In the search bar type CBS and choose the block that needs to be setup.
Note - Please add the PRODUCT DETAIL block to this page as well.
And then add CBS Slider
Click on top of the block (for the first time setup the block won’t have an image)
After clickin on top of the block a side bar will be display
Another menu will be display
Under Slides settings - SLIDE 1,2 ,3 etc you will have two options display.
Quick Add - This option will take you directly to the item product page.
Custom Image - (Tap to start order) - This option will take you to the main product page (with categories)
If you wan to add more items click on +
Note - You can change the order for the slides to appear here (see below)
Click on save
Note - Please verify if you don’t have an active Paragraph in your blocks/ That will interfiere with the size and function of the blocks. If you do have a Paragraph, please delete it.