Kiosk Page

Kiosk Page

How to properly set up - Product Detail Block, Categories, Products



  1. Log to the Admin Panel





  1. Go to Pages

  2. Click on the Kiosk page - Edit (Note - Add a page if needed)




  1. Click on (+)

  • If the block is completely empty please add a block for columns




  • You will see two columns in which you will add the 3 blocks we need to configure this page.

Note - Complete this step ONLY if the page for this kiosk block in completely empty

  1. In the search bar type CBS and choose the block that needs to be setup.

  2. First add CBS categories Block

  3. Second add CBS producs Block


  1. Add CBS product detail block (anywhere in the block)





For the KIOSK page you’ll need to add 3 CBS blocks

  • CBS categories

  • CBS Products

  • CBS Product Detail


CBS Categories


  1. Click on top of the block “Please select an available site”.

  2. To your right - under Block - Settings - Select Site

  3. Select the site the Kiosk will be pointing to - To pull all the categories information from the menu.





CBS Products


  1. Go to your list view

2. Click Row (on the arrow)

  1. Select CBS products

  2. To your right - under Block - Settings - NUmber of Products

  3. Number of producs (This number refers to the number of products you will like to appear per category) - Choose 25 to be safe.



CBS Product details


  1. For this one - Just add the block - No extra setting configuration is needed.

  • Click Save

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