ECM Release 2023-09-11 #300

Release date: September 11, 2023

ECM #300

1. New Features


  • AuthorizeNet settings implemented for processor setup.

2. Improvements



  • Configure TimeForge settings under Time Clock tab in edit site. - TimeForge Integration (External Timeclock) WIP

  • Flow control and status reporting improvements in background.

  • TimeForge reports button redirects to TimeForge reports page.


  • Adjustment report displays Sites and Barcode columns.

  • Cashouts report now includes Manager, Cash Owed to House, Cash Entered, Over/Short, and Unfinished Transaction columns.

Dispatch Dashboard

  • Generate auth token in background when redirected to Dispatch Dashboard.


  • Logging added for data handlers.

NorthStar 3PD

  • Sort menu data set by DisplayOrder.

3. Fixes


  • “Price is null on at least one execution path” bug via SonarCloud has been remedied.

4. Release report