Order Types - Archive

The order type defines the manner in which food is delivered from the restaurant to the food purchaser. The Order Type influences and/or extends specific portions of the Operation Mode workflow and the user may be prompted for additional information required to complete the order. The following Order Types are defined in the system:

Dine In

A Dine In order type indicates that the food will be delivered to the food purchaser in a manner that is consistent with the food being consumed within the restaurant.

Take Out

A Take Out order type indicates that the food will be delivered to the food purchaser in a manner that is consistent with the food being removed from the restaurant location and transported to a different location. The food purchaser can be located within the restaurant, on the phone with restaurant staff, or on the OLO website at time of purchase. Transportation of the food is performed by the food purchaser.

Drive Thru

A Drive Thru order type indicates that the food will be delivered to the food purchaser in a manner that is consistent with the food being removed from the restaurant location and transported to a different location. The food purchaser is typically located outside of the restaurant in a vehicle at the time of purchase. Transportation of the food is performed by the food purchaser.