Features and Improvements - ECM Release 2020-06-25

Features and Improvements - ECM Release 2020-06-25

ECM Release: 2020-06-25

This document summarizes the improvements in ECM/NorthStar Online Ordering 2020-06-25 release and serves as a quick reference to these items.*  For more complete information, please refer to the ticket number shown. 

Issue No. 
Issue No. 



Web Ordering API: Create ECM configuration for Chowly platform 

Create ECM configuration settings for Chowly online ordering platform on Site/Integrations tab 




















Path: Sites > Integrations > Web Ordering API tab 


  • Enable Chowly platform - Select to enable (default: not selected)

  • API key - Required field

  • Default area - Required.  Choose from dropdown list of areas from Web Ordering Areas selected above.

  • Default payment option - Required. Choose from dropdown list from Web Ordering Alternate Payment Options selected above.

  • Delivery fee menu item - Required.  Choose from dropdown list of menu items for delivery fee. List will be all menu items with "Open Value Non-Revenue" item type.

  • Name - Pre-populated list of 3rd-party delivery platforms. Column is sortable. 

  • Area - Select area for each delivery platform from dropdown list of Web Ordering Areas

  • Payment option - Select payment option from dropdown list of Web Ordering Alternate Payment Options 



Doc to update: 

ECM Admin/Configuration




Users: Add capability to import/export employee file to update user records 

This new feature provides the capability to add and modify employee information by use of an employee file in CSV format instead of adding/modifying employee records individually through the User configuration interface.

  • Import: The CSV file can be imported to upload employee data for any number of employees.

  • Export: The data can also be exported to a CSV file, modified, saved and then imported to update the employee records. 

  • The system will automatically check for updated employee data every 15 minutes. Updated 9/14/20 


Account feature toggle required **

Allow import/export of Users file



Path: Users > Jobs

  • External ID column added to Jobs and Labor Categories grid to be used in employee file 


Path: Users > Users

  • External ID column added to Users grid to be used in employee file

  • Import and Export buttons added

  • Import: Create or update users by importing employee CSV file; publish

  • Export

    • If no existing records, a blank CSV template file is downloaded for user to complete

      • Default values are pre-populated

      • New employee record: If creating a new employee record, leave User External ID blank. This value will be auto-populated. 

      • Required fields for completion:
        Full Name
        Job External ID and Rate
        Account ID (pre-populated)

      • Site External ID: Key Code - If there is more than one, separate each with a comma

      • Job External ID: Rates - if there is more than one, separate each with a comma 


  • If records exist, a CSV file of the existing user data as shown on the Users page is downloaded.

    • Filtered download: Admin can search and filter to create a subset of records before exporting the file; only the subset will be exported to a file to be edited. 

      Example: User records filtered

      CSV file exported per filtered search

  • Edit the information on the file, save, then click Import

  • The import window will open. Click Import on the window. Progress will display as file is imported to ECM.

  • Errors - If one or more errors occur, the file will not be uploaded and error messages will display noting the error and row where the error occurred. 

    • Click Close to close the window, correct the errors in the file then click Import on the Users page again. When the import window opens, click Import

  • Publish of imported file can also be verified on the Publishing page 


Docs to update: 
Users (grid)
Add/Edit Users
Jobs and Labor Categories
Add/Edit a Job


ECM: Deployment optimization

Significant improvement to optimize deployment speed 


Technical improvement only.
Technical redesign to bring deployment time from as much as 25 minutes to less than 3 minutes per store. 

Staff UI Improvements




Add Menu Item - Combo: Improve alert message when a Combo Type is not selected 


Improved alert message when adding a combo menu item and the Combo Type is not selected. 
Message: Combo Type is required. Select a Combo Type. 





Combo menu item: Display user message when "Exclusive" and "Always apply ... " options are selected; cannot be used together

User experience improvement: When configuring a combo menu item, the settings "Always apply to all eligible items" and "Exclusive" cannot be used together because they conflict. (The "Exclusive" setting prohibits other discounts, such as a coupon.) This improvement adds an informative message to the admin. 


Path: Products > Menu Items > edit combo menu item 

  • Select both settings on a combo menu item: 
    Always apply to all eligible items on a check when coupon is scanned
    Exclusive (Other discounts cannot be applied to check) 

  • Message is shown:
    “Always apply to all eligible items” and “Exclusive” cannot be applied at the same time. Select only one setting.

  • Admin user cannot Save or Apply when both settings are selected


Tax Rates: Remove "Calculate check tax at" settings

Reverses previous work performed December 2019: 

Removes tax calculation level options from ECM Tax Rates. 


  • Feature toggle revised from:
    Tax calculation at the check level
    Tax calculation at the check level (not supported)

Path: Sites and Groups > Site > Tax Rates tab

  • Removed previous configuration setting with options to calculate tax: 

  • New page without setting: 

Doc to update:
Tax Rates


Kiosk Location: When only one Available Order Type is selected, it becomes the Default Order Type on Save

When configuring a kiosk location, if only one available order type is selected and no default order type is specified, the Available Order Type automatically becomes the Default Order Type on save. 



Path: Sites > Areas > Locations > kiosk location

  • Select one Available Order Type; save

  • The Default Order Type automatically shows the Available Order Type selected

  • If more than one Available Order Type is selected, the user has the option to specify a Default Order Type or specify NONE.

Doc to update: 
Locations (Edit an Area)


Kitchen: Add setting to use external code for order type in QSR 

When "Use external code ... " setting is selected for QSR, the system will send the external code for the order type (instead of the enum value) to QSR .


Path: Site > Kitchen 

The new setting will only appear on the page when QSR is selected as the kitchen management engine. 

  • Kitchen management engine: QSR

  • When QSR is selected, a setting will be shown: 
    Use external code for order type 

  •  Help text will describe the data mapping as a result of selecting this setting: 
    Send the OrderTypes.ExternalCode to QSR.DestinationId. Warning: be sure to verify your QSR mappings for DestinationId before you enable this setting

Doc to update: 


Kitchen: Revise label for consolidating like items; QSR now supported 


Order Entry server can now control the consolidation of items in QSR display. (Previously not supported.) 
This requires revision of Kitchen settings for this functionality. 

Path: Site > Kitchen 

Previous setting:
Consolidate like items on kitchen outputs (Not supported for QSR Kitchen Video)

Updated setting: 
Consolidate like items on kitchen outputs

Doc to update: 


*Detailed documentation is in progress and will be available upon completion. ECM documentation: Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

**Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this setting enabled for your account.


















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