IP TM88 Printers for Order Entry (Wireless or WiFi IP Printer)

Table of Contents


Step 1:
  1. Connect Epson Wi-Fi Dongle to USB Port located on the backside of the EPSON TM-T88VI Printer.
    1. Do not connect an Ethernet cable
  2. Connect the Power cable to the printer and plug the power cable into a power source (socket, power strip, etc.)
  3. Power on the printer.
  4. Shortly after turning the printer on (typically only after a few seconds), the printer will print a chit with the default Wi-Fi password for the Epson Wi-Fi Signal.
    1. The default wifi password is 12345678
  5. After receiving a printed chit of the wifi password, enable "Wi-Fi" on the computer being used to configure the Epson Printer (see screenshot, step 1)
  6. Locate the Wi-Fi labeled "EPSON_Printer" (see screenshot, step 2).

Step 2:
  1. Upon connecting to EPSON_Printer, you will be prompted to enter a password or a security key.
    1. Enter 12345678.
    2. Once successfully connected, you will see status message "No Internet, secured" (see screenshot)

Step 3:
  1. In Windows, Search for "Epson NetConfig"
    1. This may be done by selecting the Windows "start" button in the lower left corner of the desktop and typing "Epson NetConfig".
      1. If the machine you are working on does not have this utility installed on it, you can retrieve the installer from the Shared CBS Install drive
        1. If you are not familiar with this access, please see: How To- Connecting to shared Network Drives (outside of the Irvine office)
  2. Run the program.

Step 4:
  1. When the Epson NetConfig program is launched, it should automatically detect the Wifi Epson Printer.

Step 5:
  1. Within the Epson NetConfig window:
    1. Double-click the printer to produce the Device Properties window.
      1. The Device Properties window is where you will configure the printer.
    2. It may take approximately 30seconds for the configuration window to appear following the double-clicking of the printer in the Epson NetConfig window.
  2. Within Device Properties:
    1. In Location, enter the printer name EXACTLY as it appears in ECM
      1. It is recommended to copy and paste this name from ECM, ensuring to copy only the name of the printer and not any extra characters (spacing, etc.)

Step 6:
  1. In the Device Properties window, expand Network in the panel to the left.
  2. Select Wifi
    1. In the Wi-Fi Window, locate the section labeled "Communication Mode"
      1. Change Communication Mode to Ad Hoc
      2. THEN change Communication Mode back to Infrastructure.
        1. BOTH changes to the Communication Mode MUST be completed before proceeding to the next step.
    2. Do NOT select Transmit.

Step 7:
  1. Do not proceed until Step 6 has been completed.
  2. In the Wi-Fi tab:
    1. SSID: Enter the SSID of the Wifi Network the printer will be connecting to.
    2. Security Level: Change the Security Level to WPA-2PSK
    3. PSK (Pre-Shared Key): Enter the password of the Wifi Network to which the printer will be connecting.
    4. Reenter PSK (Pre-shared Key): Reenter the password you entered in Step 7.2.c.
    5. Do NOT select Transmit

Step 8:
  2. In Device Properties:
    1. Navigate to the Tab labeledTCP/IP
      1. Navigate to Basic
        1. Method for Specifying IP Address: 
          1. Select Manual
        2. IP Address Setting: Enter the printer network information in the following fields
          1. IP Address: IP Address of the printer, NOT the server.
          2. Subnet Mask:
          3. Default Gateway

Step 9:
  1. Navigate back to the Wi-Fi Tab
    1. Select Transmit.

Step 10:
  1. After selecting Transmit, a window will appear notifying you that the configuration is being applied, and a loading bar will advise of the current progress.
  2. The configuration window will reach 100% if successfully applied.

You have successfully configured the Epson Wi-Fi Card.


The steps below detail how to test the printer.

Step 1:
  1. Make sure the printer is associated with an iPad in ECM.
    1. To assign this printer to a specific iPad follow the below steps.
      1. Log into ECM
      2. Hover over the tab labeled Sites
        1. In the Drop down menu, select Sites and Groups.

Step 13:
  1. Search for the site you are testing (This document uses screenshots for site name: WRKB Laguna Niguel)
  2. Once you have located the appropriate site within the Site Name column, select the pencil icon located to the left of the site name.

Step 14:
  1.  Selection of the pencil icon will produce window Edit Site - WRKB Laguna Niguel.
    1. In this window, select Devices
      1. Locate the appropriate device name (in this instance, the iPad labeled as Bar Term 1 will be used).
        1. Select pencil icon to the left of the device name 

Step 15:
  1. Selection of the pencil icon for the device will produce window Edit Device - Device Name 
    1. In these screenshots, "Bar Term 1" is the name of the device being edited. As such, the window appears in the screenshots as Edit Device - Bar Term 1
  2. Within the Edit Device - Device Name :
    1. Navigate to the Device Peripherals tab
    2. Flag Print to Specific Printer
    3. Select the name of the printer you are attempting to test
    4. Select Save.
  3. Navigate back to Sites and Groups and deploy the changes.
  4. Once deploy has published:
    1. Log into the iPad
    2. Ring up a check and print the receipt.
      1. If the printer is configured correctly it will print the guest receipt.
      2. If the printer did not print the guest receipt, 847937627