Drive-Thru Order

Drive-Thru Order


Submit a Drive-Thru Order:

  1. Make sure the iPad is attached to a location that is in the Drive-Thru Operation Mode.

  2. Ring in an item. Note the green flag in the top right corner of the item cell. This means the item has been immediately sent to the kitchen.

  3. Ring in a second and third item. Note each additional item is immediately sent to the kitchen.

  4. Press the Submit Order button to send the final item to the kitchen. The iPad is now ready to create a new drive-thru order.

Take Payment on a Drive-Thru Order:

  1. Select the Checks button to view the unpaid checks. 

  2. Select the Unpaid tab, located the check and press the Open button to re-open the check.

  3. Select the method of payment, collect the total and press the Apply Payment button to continue.

  4. Press the Payment Complete button and send the customer to the second window. If there is no second window give the customer their order and press the Finalize button.

  5. Select the Checks button to view the paid checks. Select the Paid tab, located the check and press the Open button to re-open the check.

  6. Give the customer their order and press the Finalize button to clear the session. If the order is taking longer than usual press the Park Order button and have the customer park their car to wait for their order to be completed.

  7. If the order was parked you can pull up the check by pressing the Checks button. Once the customer has received their order select the Parked tab, locate your check and press the Open button. You may now Finalize the session.



Steps to submit a drive-thru order:

A Customer has just pulled up to the microphone and placed their order. The drive-thru attendant will now take the order and ring it up in Order Entry.


1. Make sure the iPad is attached to a location that is in the Drive-Thru Operation Mode.


2. Ring in an item. Note the small green flag located on the item. This means that this item has been immediately sent to the kitchen.


3. Ring in a second and third item. Note each additional item is immediately sent to the kitchen. If an item is voided it will be immediately removed from the kitchen screen.


Each time an item is sent and the flag turns green it has been sent to logic controls. 


4. Press Submit Order to send the final item to the kitchen.


Note that all items have now been sent to the kitchen.


The screen has now cleared and is now ready to begin another drive-thru order.



Steps to take payment on a drive-thru order:

The first drive-thru attendant has placed an order and the customer has pulled around to the first window. Now the drive-thru cashier will take payment for the order and either give the customer their food, send them to the second window to pick up their food or have the customer park their car if the order is taking longer than usual.


1. Once a drive-thru order has been submitted click on the checks button to view your check.


2. On the checks screen you can view any paid, unpaid and parked checks. In the unpaid tab, select the check that was previously ordered and press the Open button to re-open the check. 


3. Select the method of payment and once you have entered the correct total press the Apply Payment button to continue.


4. Depending on the restaurants drive-thru workflow the cashier will either press the Payment Complete button and send the customer to the second window or give the customer their food and press the Finalize button.


The customer has now pulled up to the second window and the second drive-thru attendant will now re-open the paid check, hand the customer their food and finalize the session.

5. Select the checks button and navigate to the paid tab. Select the paid check and press the open button to re-open the order.


6. The second drive-thru attendant has now given the customer their food and may press the Finalize button to clear the session. If the order is taking longer than usual they may press the Park Order button and have the customer park and wait until their food is ready.


7. If a check has been parked you can pull up the paid check by navigating to the checks popup and selecting the Parked tab. Once the food is ready and has been delivered to the customer, simply press the Open button to re-open the check and finalize the session just like the previous steps.