Add a Menu Item Category - old

Add a Menu Item Category - old

When adding a menu item category you may edit the following:


Name - Enter a name for the menu item category.

Description - Enter a description for the menu item category.

Background Color - Click on the background color button to bring up a color palette and pick a color. 


Up Sell - Promotes a random Menu Item from a Menu Item Category that was marked for upsell. The upsold menu item is selected based on what the guest has already ordered. The system randomly chooses a menu Item from that category that has not been displayed already. 

Payment Pre-Authorization Required - Flag to require payment pre-authorization before ordering any items in this menu item category.

Display in Guest UI - Flag to display the items in this menu item category in the Guest UI.

Display in Staff UI - Flag to display the items in this menu item category in the Staff UI.

Display in Convenience Center - Flag to display the items in this menu item category in the Convenience Center.