When adding or editing a paid out reasons you may edit the following:
Name - Enter a title for your paid out reason.
External Code - Please leave as default value. External Codes are used for 3rd party software developers.
Is Active - Checkbox to enable or disable the paid out reason on the iPad. If un-flagged this paid out reason will not show on the iPad.A "Paid Out/In Reason" is any amount of money moving from or to the site that is not revenue to the store via a retail sell or refund. For example, buying supplies of any kind, maintenance fees, cash deposits or cash drops, grocery fees, 3rd party tips etc.
To navigate to the Paid Out/In reasons page, log into the hosting ECM instance.
- Hover over the "Financial" tab > Click "Paid Out/In Reasons"
To "Add" a Paid Out/In Reason:
- Follow the above steps to navigate to the Paid Out/ In Reasons page
- Click "+ Add Paid Out/In Reason"
Name: Enter any value
External Code 1: Enter any value, or leave empty (if left empty, then it will auto increment the number per the existing paid out/ in reasons)
External Code 2: Enter any value, or leave empty.
- Commonly, only Code 1 is used across NSOE implementation and integrations.
Is Active: Enables Paid Out/ In reason to be seen and used by site terminals.
- Click "Save"
- The newly added reason will save, and the UI will refresh to show the newly added record.
To "Edit" a Paid Out/ In Reason:
- Follow the navigation steps to access the Paid Out/ In page
- Click the "Pencil" icon left of the Paid Out/ In Name
- Edit any of the available values
- Click "Save"
- The UI will refresh to show the saved changes made from editing
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