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Employee hours, wages, tips and sales information

  • Select sites(s), site group(s) and job(s) as applicable
  • Select Start and End dates for business date range
  • Click Refresh Report 

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The right-facing caret above each employee's records can be used to expand or collapse the records as needed. 

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1Site(s), Group(s), Job(s), Business DateSelect site(s), site group(s) and job(s)
; specify date range for report 
2Site #Site number
3Emp #Employee number
4Name Employee name
5Job Job(s) assigned to employee
6Job External CodeExternal
code for job type used in time record 
7Labor Cat Labor Category (if set in ECM)
8Clock InClock
-in date and time
9Clock Out Clock
-out date and time
10Reg HrsTotal regular hours
of work
worked between clock-in and clock-out
11OT HrsOvertime hours worked
12DT HrsDouble-time hours worked
13Total HrsTotal hours: Regular + overtime + double time 
14Reg. Wages 
Wages based on pay rate and
regular hours worked
15OT Wages
Overtime wages
Wages based on overtime pay rate 
16DT Wages
Double time wages
Wages based on double-time pay rate 
17Total Wages Total wages
for all hours worked
18Pay Rate
Employee rate of pay 
19Declared TipsTips declared
20Net SalesNet sales
21Gross SalesGross sales
22Export Report

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Note: The clock-in data is stored in the cloud on ECM when a user clocks in, but is not immediately shown on the Time Records report when there is only a clock-in record. The Time Records report will display this data when there is a clock-in AND a clock-out record. 

State of California - Department of Industrial Relations FAQ 
