Release Date: TBD

Consolidated Server, iOS, and Windows.

NorthStar Order Entry Server and iOS Application: Current versions released with installation software

1. New Features (Server/iOS)

Advanced Customer Display

Checks - Areas

NorthStar Concur


Advanced Customer Display (ACD/AGD)

Location Manager


MagTek Payment Devices


Windows App

The following new features and improvements have been made exclusively for the NorthStar Order Entry application for Windows.


Windows App Improvements

Gift Cards and Loyalty

Location Manager

Menu Items

Staff Facing

2. Fixes



  • “A balance still exists” no longer displays on properly paid and calculated checks.

  • Checks no longer lock when tapping the “Use External Reader Button”.

  • Negative balance error message no longer displays when discounts are applied to checks.

Credit Card

  • Fallback credit card Transaction error no longer displays when initial payment attempts fail.


  • $0 checks correctly send to Paytronix.

Staff Facing

  • “Automatically send advance orders to the kitchen” setting is now properly honored.

Web Order API

  • Unique OrderItemID generated when new checks are submitted.

  • Advanced Orders send to kitchen at scheduled time.

  • Endpoint improvements for active checks.


Advanced Customer Display

  • Error message “Payment failed. Transaction terminated.” no longer displays when swiping a card for payment or tapping the gift card button.

  • Calculated totals display in parity for both the staff facing total vs. the ACD total.

  • “Continue” button on ACD no longer gets disabled when applying split payments to a check.

  • “Payment failed. Invalid Check” error no longer occurs when applying payment and finalizing check.


  • The app no longer crashes during boot up when attaining configuration information. A retry button has been added.


  • Applying a refund no longer arbitrarily crashes the app.

  • Two or more discounts can now be applied to a check without issue.


  • Barcode reading is now supported for iOS 16+

Menu Items

  • User can modify multiple items on already sent items.


  • Add tip screen no longer immediately displays while a transaction is still in process.

  • Split payments no longer cause a check locked error.

  • Tapping the Guest Payment no longer fails with the iDynamo6.

  • Able to access multiple checks in one a session when utilizing Guest Payment in Counter Service.

  • CC PAX payments correctly apply to checks and are no longer removed. Only adjusted transactions remove payments from the check.


  • Bluetooth scanner now able to scan in guest-facing mode.


  • Editing inputted menu items then tapping enabling multi-select no longer results in having to tap payment twice to access the payment screen.

  • Able to properly add and save locations to a new layout from a previously deleted layout.

  • User can add locations to Location Manager screen instead of it displaying a blank screen.


  • The loading wheel no longer flickers on the payment screen.

  • Minor UI issues fixed for newer model iPads.

Windows Application


  • Voiding combos is now is parity with iOS.

  • Move Money button allows for open adjustment of payment on a check that is equal to or less than the paid total.

  • Manager swipe on adjustment screen to be able to apply selected adjusted.

Cash Drawer

  • No Sale button opens cash drawer.

Customer Display(s)

  • Texas Digital System displays reopened check information.

Menu Items

  • Auto Combos now available.

Staff Facing

  • User can swipe mag card to log into system.


  • Tax exempted alternate payments are calculated as such.

  • Able to swipe a gift card on any payment screen to apply payment

  • Swipe and dip of credit cards available on any payment screen.


  • Checks, payments, time cards, etc. now properly print on configured USB printers.

3. Release reports