The daily sales and labor report can provide a quick view of the entire restaurants current financial standing. Reports can be printed to any system printer. Reports can be ran for the entire house, for any date range and filtered by user or location.
The Daily Sales Report Provides a quick snapshot of:
Sales Summary :
Gross Sales are the grand total of all sale transactions reported in a period, without any deductions included within the figure.
Adjustments is the total Discounts and Comps
Net Sales are defined as gross sales minus the adjustments
Gift Card Issued is the gift card reload and gift card open value
N/R Sales are all non-revenue sales such as cashouts, open donation
Tax Forgiven (Exempt)
Tax Owned
Total Sales + Tax
Charged Tips
Expected Revenue
Tender Summary
Unfinished Transactions are all transactions that were not yet paid or finalized. Deposits are also considered as unfinished transaction
Credit Charges Total
Gift Cards Redeemed
Alternate Payments Total
Tips and Gratuities
Cash Deposit Expected
Labor % is the percentage of the total labor cost divided by the net sales
Total Labor $ is the sum of all wages paid to employees, as well as the cost of employee benefits and payroll taxes paid by an employer.