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Release: 4.7c
Release date: April 17, 2019 

This document summarizes the major new features and improvements in the NorthStar 4.7c release and serves as a quick reference to these new items. For more complete information, please refer to the ticket number shown.* 

 New Features and Improvements 

Issue No. 

Cash Drawer Assignment


Dual cash drawers, drawer assignments, cash out drawer

For cash control, two cash drawers can be configured to have restricted access:

  • Device must have drawer assignment enabled (devices cannot use drawers if setting is not enabled) 
  • Each cash drawer is assigned to an individual 
  • Per job permission, user cannot complete payment unless assigned to a drawer
  • Each individual is responsible for the money in their assigned drawer. 
  • Cash out reports can be run by drawer or by employee for financial accountability. 
  • Both drawers share one printer (separate printers not required) 

Description includes: 

Account feature toggle required**:
4.7 Enable drawer assignment

ECM settings:

Sites > Devices > edit device > Device Peripherals - select Enable drawer assignment 

Sites > Printers - Select drawers assigned to this printer 

Jobs > Permissions


  • Allow user to assign staff to a cash drawer
  • Payment requires drawer assignment 

  • Device: Configure device to enable drawer assigment
  • Printer and drawers: Assign drawer(s) to printer
  • Set job permissions: 
    • Management job to assign staff to drawers 
    • Server job to require drawer assignment for payment 

Management role: 

  • From Cashier Menu, tap Cash Drawer Assignment
    • If user does not have permission, the button will be disabled

  • All users for site are displayed; select user 
    • User should have permission set to require drawer assignment for payment 
    • Search field available to search for user by name

  • Select cash drawer to assign user to 

  • Tap Publish Changes 

Server role:

  • Perform a transaction 
  • Apply payment 
    • If user's job requires cash drawer assignment and user is not assigned, message "Cash drawer assignment required" will prompt user to see the manager for assignment 


  • DSR can be filtered by cash drawer



Cashout: Finalize multiple entire house cashouts 

  • User can finalize one or multiple cashouts for the entire house
  • Can print finalized reports
  • System cashes out entire house at end-of-day 

ECM settings:
Users > Jobs > edit job - select Allow user to view/finalize/print entire house cashout 

Sites > edit site > Reports 

Reset sales totals to 0 when a staff member finalizes a cashout 

  • Selected: When the cashout is finalized, the report will be reset to zero; each report will show the sales totals between the last and the current report 

  • Not selected: When the cashout is finalized, each report will show a cumulative total for the day 

  • Tap username at top of screen, then tap Cash Out from list 

  • On the Cash Out report, tap the house icon to display the entire house cashout report 

  • Tap Finalize to finalize the cashout report 
    • If there are open checks, an alert will instruct the user that checks must be cashed out before finalizing the report 

  • Report will print automatically when finalized
  • Previous finalized reports can be viewed by tapping Previous 


Staff or drawers can be required to enter a cash deposit prior to cashout 

Jobs can be configured to require a cash deposit be entered in the system at cashout. The deposit will appear on the cashout report and any over/short value reported

  • Cashout reports are final at EOD. 
  • Cash deposit amounts cannot be edited
  • Negative amounts can be entered 

ECM settings:

Users > Jobs > edit job > Workflow 


  • Require a cash deposit when staff member finalizes their cashout 
  • Require a cash deposit when manager finalizes the entire house cashout 


  • Configure staff and manager to require cash deposit when finalizing cashouts 


  • Perform and finalize transactions
  • Tap name; tap Cash Out to display cashout window

  • On cashout window, tap Finalize
  • Numeric keypad displays with brief message regarding required deposit 
    • Note that the Cashout report shows no Cash Deposit amount and an Over/Short amount 

Note: If user's job does not require cash deposit on cashout, the user can still enter a deposit by tapping the money icon to prompt the numeric keypad

  • Enter the cash deposit amount; tap Go
  • Report reflects Cash Deposit and Over/Short amounts

  • Two Cash Deposit chits will print: 
    • House copy
    • Staff copy with signature line (manager/shift lead will sign for receipt of deposit) 
  • Tap Finalize to complete
  • Server Cashout report will print

Manager - Entire House Cashout

  • Tap the house icon 
  • Tap Finalize to prompt cash deposit numeric keypad
    • Alternate: Tap money icon to prompt keypad 
  • Enter the amount of the cash deposit
  • Report reflects Cash Deposit and Over/Short amounts

  • Tap Finalize
    • Entire House Cashout report will print


Report: Cash out by drawer 

Similar to user cashout, cashing out by drawer provides:

  • Drawer-specific sales information via the cashout report
  • User accountability for the over/short of the drawer assigned to the specific user

ECM settings: 

Users > Job > edit job - Select permissions:

  • Allow user to view/finalize/print others' drawer cashout
  • Allow user to view/finalize/print own drawer cashout 


  • Users assigned to drawers perform and finalize transactions
  • User with permission to cash out drawers performs cashout: 
  • Tap user name at top of window, tap Cash Out 

  • Tap cash drawer icon; a list of drawers available for cashout is displayed
  • Select a drawer to cash out 
    • Drawer number is preceded by the device name used for the transactions

  • Cashout report is displayed; tap Finalize to finalize cashout for the drawer
    • Report will print automatically 



Counter service: Send orders to kitchen only when finalized 

Applies to counter service operations only. 

Appropriate for counter service orders, a site can choose to not send orders to kitchen until order has been finalized. 

Setting is configured by area. 

Account feature toggle required**:
Send to kitchen when finalized 

ECM settings: 

Sites > edit site > Areas > edit area

  • Select Send to kitchen when finalized 
  • Help text: Only applies to counter service operations

  • To avoid sending before finalize: 
    • Send Now is disabled 
      • Will not auto-send when use taps Print All Checks or Apply Payment 
    • Submit Order is replaced with Done
      • Tap Done to park order without sending to kitchen 


  • Take order
    • Tap Done to park order if needed
  • Tap Payment and go through normal payment process
  • Tap Finalize
    • Order is sent to kitchen when user taps Finalize 


Kitchen printing: Sort components per component category and components settings 

The printed kitchen chit and the KDS systems should display the components in the order set by component categories display order, then by component display order as specified in ECM. 

ECM Settings

Path: Categories > Component Categories

  • Use the up/down arrows to set the display order for the component categories:


  • Click the edit icon (pencil) to edit a category; click Component Display Order 
  • Drag and drop components into the desired display order (select and hold an item, drag into position, release) 


Components will print in the order set in Component Categories for preparation. 
The KDS will also display components in this order. 




iPad DSR Report: Show Over/Short, Cash Deposit


  • POS terminal: After entering cash deposit(s), the amount of the cash deposit and the amount over/short will be reflected on the Daily Sales Report 


Note: Cash deposits do not have to be finalized to be reflected on the report. 

  • ECM: The cash deposit information will be reflected on the ECM Daily Sales Report

Staff/UI Improvements


Time Sent to Kitchen

Option to display the time an item was sent to the kitchen on the app display and on the printed check (user can toggle between showing or hiding time sent)  

ECM setting:
Users > Job 
Select job permission: Allow user to view the time items are sent

To show the time an item (or items) was sent to the kitchen:

  • Order item
  • Tap Send Now (or Submit Order)
  • Tap the brown $ icon next to the item
  • On the flyout, tap Show time sent

  • Time sent to the kitchen displays below the menu item 

  • Tap Print All Checks to print the check with the time sent (check will have a "Time sent" watermark)

To no longer display the time sent: 

  • Tap the brown $ icon next to the item
  • On the flyout, tap Hide  time sent


Add User Options menu to Ordering, Location and Cashier pages 

The User Options menu (with links to Time Clock, Cash Out and Break Notifications) available on the Location Manager is now added to the Ordering, Location and Cashier menu pages for speedier access. 


Location Manager

Ordering Menu

Location Menu

Cashier Menu 


Menu Item Search: Add search by PLU/barcode number


This feature assumes one or more menu items has a PLU number configured in ECM. 


  • Tap menu item search icon (magnifying glass) in action bar below check panel 
  • In Menu item search window, type PLU/barcode number 
  • Menu item will display
  • Tap menu item to add to check 


Advance Orders: Customer information not required  

By default, advance orders require a customer account to be entered. This improvement allows sites the option to not require a customer account on advance orders. 

Account feature toggle required**:
4.7 Customer account required on advance orders 

ECM settings: 

Site > edit site > Staff Facing tab

Select: Customer account required on advance orders 

Advance order workflow with customer account NOT required: 

  • Order a menu item
  • Tap Set Date & Time; set date and time; tap Save

  • Tap Schedule

  • Order is scheduled and user is detached from ordering location 

  • To search for advance order, swipe to Location Menu, tap Advance Orders and search results
    • To open an advance order, tap Load Order 

Note: If customer account is required, user can enter customer information before scheduling; if information has not been entered, tapping Schedule will prompt the user to enter customer information


Manage Tips: Sort Payment Type - Apply to all pages in sort results

When the Payment Type column is sorted (ascending or descending), sorting is applied to all pages in Manage Tips, not just to the current page displayed.

  • User goes to Manage Tips to enter tips for multiple transactions; transactions exceed one page
  • Default sort: User

  • Tap Payment Type column header to sort by Payment Type (ascending order)
  • Payment types are sorted on both pages

  • Tap Payment Type again to reverse the sort order (descending)
  • Payment types are sorted on both pages

  • If the user has modified any tips on the screen and they re-sort, a warning appears with option for user to proceed with the sort and lose changes or cancel and remain on the screen. User can then apply any changes then re-sort.


Adjustments - Refund: In Applied Payments section show the amount of the refund, not the entire check amount 

  • Previous behavior: Applied Payments section of Adjustments reflected the check amount instead of the amount of the item being refunded 

  • Improvement: Applied Payments reflects the amount of the item being refunded (with tax)


Access Check Search from Location Manager

Account feature toggle required**:

Display all checks from location map  

ECM setting:

Sites > edit site > Staff Facing

  • In Settings, select: Display all checks from location map

  • Previous behavior: When a user tapped Checks from the Location Map, the My Checks page would display a list of the user's checks 

  • Improvement: When a user taps Checks from the Location Map, the Check Search page displays showing a list of all checks for the site 


Print menu item button name on receipt 

If this setting is selected, the button name set for the menu item will print on the receipt. 
(If this setting is not selected, the name in the menu item Name  field will be printed.) 

Button name can be set to different names at the global (concept) level and site levels. The site-level name will appear on the site's POS device and will print on the receipt. 

Account feature toggle required**:

4.7 Print menu item button name on receipt 

ECM settings: 

Sites > edit site > Receipts > General 

  • Select: Print button name on receipt 

The receipt will reflect the button name set for the menu item in ECM.

A button name can be customized by site and can be set to different names at the global (concept) level and site levels. The site-level name will appear on the site's POS device and will print on the receipt. 

  • Left: Global-level button name (site name not set)
  • Right: Site-level button name (overrides global button name) 


Alternate location: Reattach to default location after scheduling advance order 

This improvement adds a requirement for advance orders from alternate locations. (Reference OE-10891, release 4.7a.) The system will reattach to a default location after the following actions:

  • Finalize a transaction 
  • Detach from a table
  • Log in
  • Park a session
  • Schedule an advance order 

Account feature toggle required**

4.7 Area icons
4.7 Easy Access (Alternate Locations) 

ECM Settings - Refer to What's New 4.7a 
Settings are required by area, location and device. 


  • Place order on an alternate location 
  • Schedule the order for a future time
  • Tap Schedule 
  • ResultThe user is reattached to the default location configured for the device. 


Question to Anthony Turriciano re: Fix Version 

Counter service: Add items to the check as ordered when location is set to send when finalized 

Ticket title: Always add items to the check, no longer put items on the order. - Send when finalize: When adjusting items after going to payment screen, items adjusted are voided.



Per Art, this feature applies to counter service location configured to "Send to kitchen when finalized"

  • Previous process: Items ordered would be in "suspension" as an order item initially. When sent to the kitchen, a check would be created and they would become check items. 
  • New process: Items are ordered are considered check items and are either unsent or sent. 
  • A counter service location marked Send to kitchen when finalized would have Send Now and Submit disabled. Items would not be sent to kitchen for preparation until the check has been paid and finalized. 

Time Clock 


Time Clock: Allow overtime calculation rules to be set using configurable thresholds and multipliers  

Account feature toggle

Account feature toggle required**:
Expand time clock overtime rules 

Note: If feature toggle is not set, Overtime Rules does not display on the Time Clock page and cannot be configured.

ECM setting:

Sites > edit site > Time Clock > General 

  • Overtime Rules 
    • Select the rules to be applied 
    • Enter the hours and multipliers for each rule in accordance with your location's overtime rules
      • Hours = Maximum working hours that must be met for rule to be applied
      • Multiplier = Hourly rate is multiplied by this amount


  • User clocks in on time clock
  • User time worked exceed the configured threshold, making user eligible for overtime. 
  • Time Records: User's overtime and doubletime (if applicable) hours are reported on the Time Records report.

*Detailed documentation is in progress and will be available upon completion. 

**Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this setting enabled for your account.

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