Chowly enhances NorthStar Order Entry by extending our ability to integrate to 3rd party web ordering/delivery providers such as Uber Eats, Door Dash, etc..
ECM Setup
- Enable Chowly platform - Select to enable (default: not selected)
- API key - Required field (Provided by Chowly Team: and
- Default area - Required. Choose from dropdown list of areas from Web Ordering Areas selected above.
- Default payment option - Required. Choose from dropdown list from Web Ordering Alternate Payment Options selected above.
- Delivery fee menu item - Required. Choose from dropdown list of menu items for delivery fee. List will be all menu items with "Open Value Non-Revenue" item type.
- Name - Pre-populated list of 3rd-party delivery platforms. Column is sortable.
- Area - Select area for each delivery platform from dropdown list of Web Ordering Areas
- Payment option - Select payment option from dropdown list of Web Ordering Alternate Payment Options
- Menu - The menu we send to chowly is the menu set up in the integrations tab.
- Deploy to site to complete.
Note: The Chowly team will require a webhook from us in order to get this set up on their end. Here is the webhook to provide them - https://[WOAPI URL]/api/chowly/[siteid]
- It will then need to be registered so that the menu is sent to Chowly: Chowly Register Webhook (So we send chowly the menu)
Find the site id after navigating to Sites and Groups on ECM.
Find the WOAPI URL by editing a site → Integration tab → Web ordering API tab:
For Chowly Default Area and Default Payment Options, the API Settings must be checked for Web Ordering API > "Enable Web Ordering" and a default/available options must be selected for Web Ordering Areas and Web Ordering Alternate Payment Options:
OE-14442 - Internal ticket reference.