When editing a site a user may edit the following under the payment tab:
Credit Card Processor - Select the credit card processor used by your restaurant.
PPI Account Token - Enter the PPI Account Token provided by PayPros.
Is Chit Signature Required - Select yes to add a signature section to payment receipts.
Is Tipping Enabled - Select yes to add a tip section to payment receipts.
Gift Card Processor - Select the gift card processor used for your site.
Gift Card Bin Range - Select the "Add Bin Range" button and enter a low range, high range and the total number of digits for the gift card. (Alternatively, you may select "Show Advance Configuration" and enter in the RegEx gift card formula)
Is Cash Allowed in Kiosk Mode - Select this option to allow a customer to place an order with cash in kiosk mode. (Note - An employee will need to be present to accept the cash payment)