Once completed, will display progress.
EOD - Same
Day Setting
This selection allows for sites to apply an EOD for the current day.
Example - Site opens at 8AM and closes at 3PM and wants EOD to run at 4PM, which is the same day.
Select the “Same Day” option .
2. Improvements
on System Daily Close Time
Time Clock - Cannot change jobs with active current punches.
ECM will prevent a user from changing another user’s jobs(s), if they have active punches.
Log into ECM.
Navigate to Use with multiple jobs and is currently clocked in.
Attempt to change Job in Jobs and Rates.
An error will display that the user still has active punches in the system.
Check Listing - Utilize HTML templates to reprint checks in check listing report.
The format you saved for the receipt will print in that format.
Info |
“Enable Receipt Customization” feature needs to applied for account first. |
Log into ECM.
Navigate to Sites then Receipts.
Click on Templates tab.
Select the Site(s) you want these template changes applied to.
Select between two different Receipt Types.
Guest Receipt
CC Payment Receipt
Edit the Template to how account wants receipts printed/reprinted from Check Listing report.
WOAPI - Expose Guest Identifier
A new WOAPI endpoint has been added to expose the Guest Identifier categories.
Available in Swagger Doc. - https://oeapi3.cbsnorthstar.com/swagger/ui/index#/Checks
2. Improvements
ECM - Standardize viewable area of information.
ECM has been enhanced to utilize all the leftover space it creates when expanding filter or search results.
ECM Taxes
Menu Taxes are now exposed in menu data API.
Support Dashboard
Order Entry server last update time displays in Support Dashboard.
WOAPI - Close check to User
WOAPI Will close orders to GUEST instead of UNKNOWN displaying in ECM report.
3. Fixes
Dev YLCC Account
After saving job changes the YLCC site no longer times out.
Guest Identifier
Error message no longer displays when saving Guest Identifier Category.
4. Release report