Release date: TBDJune 15, 2021
Include Page |
1. New Features & Improvements
- CC Pre-Auth button functions properly
- Multi-select correctly keeps order type for the chosen menu items selected
- Able to correctly apply General Refunds when tapped
- Check number will always show the accurate number and no longer show '0'.
- Able to void menu items sent through the web ordering API with multiple menu item categories
Guest Facing
- Advanced Customer Display submits orders to kitchen and applies payment properly
- Reporting Service no longer exploits high memory usage
Web Order Ordering API
- WAOPI WOAPI CardFree orders properly send to the kitchen
Jira Legacy server System JIRA serverId 84b2621d-c392-375f-9c64-d5087fa43495 key kitchen (OE-15511)
3. Release report and Jira Ticket List