Navigate to the Peripherals Tab.
Add a new payment device
Add a name (Usually the brand and model of payment hardware), then select ‘type’ and choose transaction+
A warning will display that the software service is running in the background and click OK.
The TransAction+ Device Manager GUI will display. Click on Settings.
The Application Settings will display.
T+ Address - IP Address that T+ will be installed on.
T+ Backup - IP Address that T+Backup will be installed on.
POS Type - Point of Sale options.
Fake POS API - Used for testing. (Use this if this is the initial setup and testing.)
POSitouch - Legacy POS software.
SPCWIN - IP Address of POSitouch main server. (Leave this by default.)
Default EMV - Options depend on hardware.
Options with the the word Production at the end are ONLY FOR PRODUCTION and actual credit card charging.
EMV FDMS NoCVMSignature test - Choose this for testing and training.