In this example, a receipt is printed on Check-2 and a message appears on the all staff interface interfaces that Check-1 is printing to Check-2. Continued failovers to Check-2 do not generate on-screen messages.
Example 2
- An employee is trying to print a receipt to Check-1
- Check-1 is out of paper
- Check-2 has a paper jam
In this example, a receipt is printed on Check-3 and a message appears on the all staff interface that interfaces that Check-1 is printing to Check-3. Note that redirection only follows the failover printers specified for the original intended printer, Check-1. Continued failovers to Check-3 do not generate on-screen messages.
Example 3
- An employee is trying to print a receipt to Check-1
- Check-1 is out of paper
- Check-2 has a paper jam
- Check-3 doesn't exist
In this example, a receipt is printed placed into the Check-1 print queue and a message appears on the all staff interface that interfaces that Check-1 has a document queued. Once Check-1's issue is resolved, the document prints. Continued failovers to queue do not generate on-screen messages.
Example 4
- An employee is trying to print a receipt to Check-1
- Check-1 doesn't exist
- Check-2 has a paper jam
- Check-3 doesn't exist
In this example, a message appears on the staff interface that attempted the print that Check-1 does not exist. Continued failures do generate on-screen messages.
Setting Up Printer Redirection in ECM