What's New - ECM Release 2019-10-02

ECM Release: 2019-10-02

This document summarizes the improvements in ECM 2019-10-02 release and serves as a quick reference to these items. For more complete information, please refer to the ticket number shown.

Features and Improvements 

Issue No. 


ECM: Menu Items - General - Remove question marks from property settings

General UI improvement; revise question mark punctuation on menu item settings 


Path: Products > Menu items > select item > General tab

Improvement: Question marks were removed from the property settings on the General tab. 



Item Reporting Categories: Add feature toggle option, Add/Edit forms 

An optional feature toggle allows a new configuration option in the Categories dropdown list: 
Item Reporting Categories  

Note: At this time, item reporting categories are used to support external systems to enhance reporting, item sorting and provide qualifiers for external systems. 

Account feature toggle required**

Item Reporting Categories 

The account feature toggle can be set by your CBS admin. 

When selected, Item Reporting Categories will be available in ECM for configuration. 

When feature toggle is selected, Item Reporting Categories is listed on the Categories dropdown list (option is not shown if feature toggle is not selected):

  • Click to go to Item Reporting Categories grid showing the item reporting categories that have been configured
  • Columns:
    Name - sortable, filterable
    External Code - filterable
    External Code 2 - filterable

  • Click Add Item Reporting Category to add a new category or click the edit icon (pencil) to edit an existing category

Add Item Reporting Category

  • Add Name and external codes (if applicable)
  • Click Save on the pop-up, then click Save Changes on the grid to save

Edit Item Reporting Category 

  • Click the edit icon (pencil) to edit an item reporting category
  • If no menu items have been added the menu items panel will be empty

  • Click the Menu Items tab to add menu items
  • Select a menu item category from the dropdown list
  • The grid will populate with menu items from the selected category
  • Select menu items 
  • Click Save to save selections or Cancel to discard selections

  • The menu items will be shown on the General tab
  • Click Save on the General page, then click Save Changes on the grid to save


ECM API: Send employee information programmatically to a restaurant

Through the ECM Employee API, third-party providers currently populate ECM with employees and changes to existing employees.

With this improvement, a new endpoint is added to allow employee information to now be sent to sites programmatically.


This improvement is for the addition of a new endpoint in the ECM Employee API to provide automated employee deployment from the third party. 

  • When a third-party provider adds or changes employee information, they can make a call to the API to deploy the employee changes to the site.
  • The deployments for single or multiple users will be shown on the publishing page of ECM. Note the "Deployed by" and "Comment" columns showing these are API deployments. 

Single user: 

Multiple users:

Technical notes: 

Sample call: ... employee/deploy

  • Returns - 200 = OK
  • Errors: 
    • 404 = Not found; invalid User ID
    • 409 = Conflict; missing key codes message
    • 500 = Internal server error; no additional information will be provided 


ECM Dashboard: Set permissions by role to limit access to all reports

With this improvement, roles can be specified to allow selected reports to be run. 

Ability to limit access to certain reports

Path: ECM > Users > Users > check user's role

  • For this example, the Limited User role will be given permission to access some reports.

ECM: Users > Roles > ECM > edit role 

Module Access tab

  • If a role does not have access to View/Edit Reports on the Module Access tab, no reports will be selected on the ECM Access tab
  • If Reports are selected on this tab, the role will have access to all reports on the ECM Access tab

ECM Access tab 

  • Default: If Reports is not selected on Module Access tab, no reports are selected on ECM Access 

  • Select the reports that this role will have access to run, e.g., all reports except Employee reports

  • In ECM Order Entry, go to Reports
    • All reports can be viewed except Employee reports 


ECM: Add Synergy Loyalty & Gift card processor

This improvement adds Synergy as a processor selection for loyalty and gift card payment.


Path: Sites > Payment 

  • Click Add Processor 
  • From the drop-down list, select Synergy Loyalty & Gift; click Continue to open Add form

  • To complete form, select card types and requirements for new loyalty registration (if applicable), add Synergy card processor web service credentials (User Name and Password), Merchant ID, Loyalty Group ID, Gift Group ID  and BIN Range.

  • Click Save to save settings 
  • Synergy card processor will be added to list of available card processors and will be available for payment


Menu item - Add setting to use checkbox view on guest modifications

An optional feature toggle allows this feature to display on the Menu Item page of ECM. When toggle is set, an option is shown to allow modifications to be made to an order item in guest-facing mode. 

Account feature toggle required**

4.8 Menu item: Checkbox modifications setting  

The account feature toggle can be set by your CBS admin. 

The ECM portion of this feature is complete. 
The application portion is under development. (OE-12297).

When the feature toggle is selected, this setting is shown and available on the menu item page:  
Guest-facing: Use checkbox modifications 

This menu item setting only applies to the guest-facing view. When selected, the user interface to customize an order is modified, allowing guests to use checkboxes to select components and serving options. 

*Detailed documentation is in progress and will be available upon completion. ECM documentation: Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

**Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this setting enabled for your account.