4.9.4 Server vs 4.9.5 Server Difference Build

4.9.4 Server vs 4.9.5 Server Difference Build

OE: Change from Sale/Adjust to Auth/Capture for FirstData

OE: Implement IGiftCardController.VoidAddValue in TPlusCreditCardDevice

Print user/mgr who performed drop override on drop receipt 

Windows: USB printing is slow (CCF)

Trans+: On a partially approved card, do not allow tip to go above the approved amount

OE Server: Error message is returned to the app when there is no ToGo Receipt printer setup for the area

OE: Use new Data API endpoint for checksearch

OE: Create GetPaymentDevices endpoint

Trans+: Check number in payment request does not match actual check number 

OE: Implement IGiftCardController.Reload in TPlusCreditCardDevice

OE Server: Change printing of Fullname Vs Firstname, Vs Nickname in receipts and reports

OE: Default GetCheck endpoint for current business date

iOS: Cash drawer assignment error - "Cannot accept zero value paid out"

Does not remove adjustment after ungrouping a combo 

ECM/Printing/Server: Sticky printing/ability to print "bag chits"

[V2] Server: Implement WalletItemRedeemed loyalty provider hook for Loyalty Integration V2

OE Server: duplicated starting bank is created when assigning the drawer

Printing/Server: Bag label printing 

[V2] NorthStar.Loyalty.Shared: Create submodule

IOS App: Balance remaining when paying check after voiding a payment. 

Printing/Server: Reduce printed payment receipt length 

OE Server: fix synchronization of SDF-SQL database to the backup server

OE Server: do not send information to Dataservice after every user cashout

Concur: Limit resend attempts

OE Server: implement eCard transactions

KDS/Server: Add "$" to Total field in KitchenOutput

OE Server: Ability to reduce/disable reports from printing at cashout/deposit

OE Server: Receipt should contain required data.

OE: Extract the Gops.DAL.DTO.Audit.AuditLogSession into NorthStar.OrderEntry.Shared

[V2] Server: Implement TransactionFinalized offer provider hook for Loyalty Integration V2

OE: Extract wrapper DTO SaveUserSessionSnapshot

ECM/Server: Add flag to Adjustment Reasons to limit to one apply per check/item

OE Server: socket service gets disconnected causing ACDs unable get data or process payments

OE: Implement IGiftCardController.Redeem in TPlusCreditCardDevice

OE Server: Error installing/configuring a backup server using installer 4.9.4 or higher.

Trans+: BusinessDate is not within payment requests

OE: Extract the Gops.Common.Session.UserSession model into NorthStar.OrderEntry.Shared

OE Server: CheckId is being retrieved as empty guid in CheckBumped kitchen event

OE Server - Paytronix: Same-day and future-day advanced orders should print right away (Great Harvest)

OCB API - Only send added or removed componentes on the payload instead of all defaults.

OE: Extract the Gops.DAL.DTO.MoneyManagement.Cashout into NorthStar.OrderEntry.Shared

QSR: If no guest identifier is used do not map "check #" to customer name. (CCF)

OE Server: Duplicated info in Paid Out and Paid In printed receipt

OE: Create and implement ICreditCardDevice.VoidSale for TPlus

OE: Implement IGiftCardController.BalanceInquiry in TPlusCreditCardDevice

iOS: Error received creating Support Ticket

OE Server: Create a new endpoint to validate that the Entire House has all cashed out sessions.

[V2] Server: Implement WalletItemRefunded offer provider hook for Loyalty Integration V2

[V2] Server: Implement WalletItemRefunded loyalty provider hook for Loyalty Integration V2

Web ordering api: Add new endpoint to Auto combo and provide back items in the check.

OE: Create and implement ICreditCardDevice.Refund for TPlus

[V2] Server: Implement WalletItemRedeemed offer provider hook for Loyalty Integration V2

Payment: Sporadic Approved Magensa transactions are getting "Payment request has encountered an error. Try again or use another form of payment." with "Index and length must refer to a location within the string."

OE Server: NorthStar clock-in is not working

OE Server: Add new column DeviceSerialNumber to AuditLogSessionDetails

OE: enable rollback from version 4.9.5 to 4.9.4

OE: Include NorthStar.Payment.TPlus in OE installer

Server: Remote service sync DB between backup and primary servers

[PHASE 1] NorthStar.Loyalty.Sparkfly: Expose endpoint for wallet item redemption

OE: Expose tax inclusive area setting

OE: Fix BinaryFormatter type bindings post refactor

[V2] Server: Implement CustomerCreated loyalty provider hook for Loyalty Integration V2

[V2] Server: Setup loyalty and offer provider hooks for Loyalty Integration V2

ECM/Printing/Server: Change existing adjustment reason flag "Do not print survey code when used"

OE Server: add card details  to PublishMessageForCustomerDisplay payload

OE Server: create a new endpoint to get the cash drops report filtered by user

OE Server: Add endpoint to Reporting service to return "Cash Drops" report data

Payments: Split Payment (different cards) for MagTek card reader caused Duplicate payment error and was not captured

QSR - Remove *** when sending takeout and delivery orders (CCF)

OE Server: increase API Version to 17 for 4.9.5

iOS/Server: Divide by zero error - unable to perform cashout or close check

OE: Implement ICreditCardDevice.Cancel in TPlusCreditCardDevice

Trans+: Operator number on payment request does not match POS operator 

OE: Endpoint for resetting internal socket service

OE: Create and implement ICreditCardDevice.PartialReferencedRefund for TPlus

OE: Pass data through Logic Controls

OE: Implement IGiftCardController.VoidRedeem in TPlusCreditCardDevice

OE Server: When applying adjustments validate that no more adjustments can applied when the balance is zero

QSR - Remove Parenthesis and Plus sign for Components and Serving Options. (CCF)

Logic Controls: Display total check amount in footer message

[V2] Server: Implement TransactionFinalized loyalty provider hook for Loyalty Integration V2

OE: Update WOAPI Client on BISC branch

NorthStar.Zoined: Apply BI rules to sales metrics so that they match ECM reports

OE: Create Apply Payment By Payment Device endpoint

[V2] Server: Implement CustomerUpdated loyalty provider hook for Loyalty Integration V2

OE Server: implement USB Cash Drawer 

OE Server: Protect for When OE Server Loses Connection to PAX Device

DataChannel: Accept and process Labor data

Total Tips from Check Listing vs. DSR do not match occasionally.

Concur - Add support for Paidout data

OE Server: Implement ARQC data decryption when swiping GC using iDynamo6.

Server: Error attempting to open/reprint closed check 

PaymentQueue/PAX: Approved transactions receive invalid session errors and cannot be processed from payment queue

OE Server: implement T+ card swipe mode and add modify GetEmployeeKeyCode endpoint to get the card number from T+

OE: Add NorthStar.LogicControlsAnalytics to OE installer

OE: Extract the Gops.DAL.DTO.Payments.PaidOut into NorthStar.OrderEntry.Shared

Credit Card Payment Queue: Add check for approved attempts along with the failed attempts (Duplicate Charges)

OE Server: SDF File sharing violation

OE - EOD data resends should go through Concur

OE Server: Object reference error is displayed when the order item is comp before it is sent to the kitchen

OE: Create and implement ICreditCardDevice.AdjustCharge for TPlus

WOAPI - Add process to update check orderitems with override names

OE Server: add ability to print banks and drops report

OE Server: ECM API connection doesn't work for Riviera and Cobra instances

OE server: Add property FullName to endpoint GetActiveUsers

[V2] Server: Include PayerId in Loyalty Payment API object

OE: Support tax inclusive in tax calculations

OE: Create and implement ICreditCardDevice.Sale for TPlus

OE Server: Remove Session Lock error displayed on Order Taker iPad after trying to pay in the ACD

Doc: Loyalty integration implementation by provider

Concur - Add support for Audit data

Concur - Add support for Labor data

Web Ordering Api: Break down tax field to all taxes being used.

Web Ordering - OE Server Move Auto Combo and Apply Combo Regions to the bottom of CheckService to make the merge easier

QSR- Send 'External Code' of device to QSR as the Terminal number

OE Server: Magensa - Block Auths From Going Through when Magensa Times Out

OE: Return TPlusCreditCardDevice as an IGiftCardController from GiftCardControllerFactory when TPlus is configured

OE Server: cash drop receipt prints duplicated

Add default serving options to "AutomaticallyAddDefaultComponents" feature

OE: Create new notification properties needed by Wisely

[V2] Server: Implement CustomerLookup hook for Loyalty Integration V2

OE: Create and implement ICreditCardDevice.VoidRefund for TPlus

[V2] Server: Implement WalletPointsAccrued loyalty provider hook for Loyalty Integration V2

OE: Implement IGiftCardController.Activate in TPlusCreditCardDevice

OE: Pass DeviceManager IP to TPlus service in every request

OE: Implement IGiftCardController.VoidActivate in TPlusCreditCardDevice

OE: Create and implement IExternalCardReader.GetGiftCardNumberAsync for TPlus

WOAPI: When Membership Service Is Off - Checks Are Still Created 

Concur - Add support for Cashout data

OE Server: Add new Enpoint to change key code

OE Server: Able to apply inactive adjustments using barcode

WOAPI - Forward all OE sever requests that use WCF to use Kafka.

Reports/Cashouts/ECM: Does not show Datacap transactions as credit card sales

Printing/Server: Modifiers on combo child items are not printed on guest check

Server: Significant lag using Order Entry - Remote service using excessive system resources 

OE: Identify and interpret modifier/pseudo components and auto-defaults before normal web order processing

Logic Controls: Guest identifier does not update on KDS when entered later in transaction 

OE Server: Coupon code can be applied multiple times. Allow discount to be applied multiple times to a single item is disabled

OE: Extract BI projects from OE into NorthStar.OrderEntry.Shared

QSR: Send the user external code 1 as the server id to QSR

OE: update log4net to store more data

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