Payment - Multiple Loyalty Providers

Payment - Multiple Loyalty Providers

More than one loyalty provider can be active for a site. This is helpful for accounts that need to use different providers to meet their needs. Each provider can set a card BIN (Bank Identification Number) range, which identifies for the system which loyalty provider to use. 

This is an optional feature. The two account feature toggles below must be enabled by your NorthStar representative for these features to be available for your account. 

Optional feature - Account feature toggle required

The following account feature toggles must be enabled for your account to use this feature: 

Enable multiple loyalty providers 

Enable loyalty card number BIN ranges

These settings allow a site to use more than one loyalty provider and to have the system differentiate between them by the card BIN (Bank Identification Number) ranges entered for each.

Please contact your NorthStar representative to have this feature enabled for your account.

Enable multiple loyalty providers 

  • When the account feature toggle is enabled, more than one loyalty provider can be active at a site. 

  • One loyalty provider can be selected as a default loyalty processor

  • When multiple loyalty providers and card BIN ranges are allowed, the admin can add card BIN ranges for each loyalty provider.   

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