April 28, 2016
Table: ItemSale, Column added
Name | Data type | Description |
ExtendedPrice | decimal, not null | Represents the amount which was charged for this item. This should be approximately equal to: Price × Quantity - PromoAmount - CompAmount - VoidAmount
August 4, 2014
Table: Cashouts, Column(s) added
Name | Data Type | Description |
Id | PK, bigint |
ObjectId | uniqueidentifier |
CashoutNumber | int | |
Account_ObjectId | uniqueidentifier | |
BusinessDate | date | |
Employee_ObjectId | uniqueidentifier | |
EmployeeNumber | int | |
EmployeeFullName | nvarchar(max) | |
Job_ObjectId | int | |
JobName | nvarchar(max) | |
JobNumber | int | |
GrossSales | money | |
NetSales | money | |
TipShareQualifyingSales | money | |
TipShareAmount | money | |
Site_ObjectId | uniqueidentifier | |
ModifiedOn | datetimeoffset(7) |
Table: ItemSale, Column(s) added
Name | Data Type | Allow Nulls | Default | Notes |
TaxExempt | bool | True | Null | Negates an order item was marked tax exempt. i.e. the staff member made a tax adjustment and set the order item to be tax exempt.
TaxForgiven | Decimal | True | 0 | The amount of Tax which was forgiven due to TaxExempt being true.
Table: ItemSaleAdjustment, Enumeration added
Column | Enum Value | Notes |
AdjustmentTypeName | "TaxExempt" | Each time the staff applies a tax exempt adjustment to an order item a record is added to the ItemSaleAdjustment table. The AdjustmentTypeName is set to "TaxExempt"
Table: ItemSale, Column(s) added
Name | Data Type | Allow Nulls | Default | Notes |
ParentObjectId | Guid | True | Null | Used to relate children ItemSale records to a parent ItemSale record. i.e. A combo named "Lunch Meal Deal" is sold which consists of Burger, Fries, Drink. The ItemSale data output will consist of: