Release date: July 18, 2018
New Feature
- [OE-8693] - Staff view locations: Make CC pre-authorization available
- [OE-8964] - Bar Codes on Receipts
- [OE-8967] - As an admin I can Start/End dates for Adjustments to make them available to managers
- [OE-9219] - Set default to location keypad instead of Location Manager
- [OE-9554] - RFID Capability with NSOE using TAP only with mifare card
- [OE-9557] - Guest Payment: Remove suggested grat percentages; show keypad to enter gratuity
- [OE-9587] - As a Manager I want to be able to apply an adjustment to a server's checks while the server is logged in and attached to a location. (MD)
- [OE-10051] - Honor background images for Location Map
- [OE-10069] - Restricted Access to menu items - Manager Only Items
- [OE-5174] - Community Table uses screen savers from each concept that is configured
- [OE-8380] - Serving Option Category allows Minimum required to exceed Maximum Allowed
- [OE-8982] - Closed Checks request does not return all data
- [OE-9268] - Admin can set Start/End Dates for Menu Items to make them available for ordering.
- [OE-9274] - As an admin I can set Start/End Dates for Components to make them available for ordering.
- [OE-9318] - As a Guest Facing Improvement - I want to see all the component categories to be collapsed by default so I can see what I have to work with from my first view
- [OE-9364] - Search - As a staff member I want to be able to use a search function to find the item I am looking for
- [OE-9558] - QSR will display seat number so staff can deliver food to the correct seat.
- [OE-9573] - Show alphanumeric location names on Location map
- [OE-9730] - Payroll report (app): Allow labor reporting to report in 1-week window instead of the current 2-week window (MD)
- [OE-9830] - Enable PLU button for faster data entry
- [OE-10311] - Staff Login - Staff can switch between Swipe mode and MiFare/RFID mode
- [OE-10312] - Staff can access login keypad using gesture from Guest UI
- [OE-10656] - Guest UI Should Say "Tap" instead of "Swipe" when the ID Tech is in MiFare mode.
- [OE-10695] - NCL - The Bliss - Allow add tip to alt payment PMS
- [OE-10727] - Guest Facing: Set a different language in ECM; English language is still displayed on the app
- [OE-11186] - Split item keypad overlay points to Payment instead of the ordered item
- [OE-6783] - Change "Suggested tip" to "Suggested Gratuity" - Guest facing
- [OE-6883] - Auto-Gratuity and Total CC Amount display incorrect number on Guest CC Slip
- [OE-7255] - Add Checks: Payment button in Add Checks doesn't account for gratuity adjustment in presenting automatic cash amount; payment returns error "Balance still exists"
- [OE-7351] - Failed test: Cannot apply comp to combo with prevailing and/or reduced discount menu item
- [OE-7525] - Unable to merge the check when Payment is tapped
- [OE-7593] - 2 iPads synchronization – 2nd iPad was detach from the table and locks on the Location Map when the 1st iPad is on the Payment Screen
- [OE-7649] - Applying discount adjustment (Calculate tax after discount is applied) before Submit Order - Check screen displays the tax based on the original amount instead of the discounted price
- [OE-7891] - Masked PAN number does not display immediately for credit card payments (swipe and EMV transactions) using Vx805 terminal
- [OE-8028] - Error message displayed on general refund during tip adjustment and (i) icon is displayed
- [OE-8044] - Discount is not applied to a combo prevailing/reduced discount item and displays -0% discount in adjustment screen
- [OE-8049] - General Refund/GC Cashout - Amounts refunded should be shown and labeled on receipt as "Change due"
- [OE-8462] - Translation - My Account: First and Last name placeholder is not translated if the existing data is removed
- [OE-8526] - Payment screen - Typo: Use "Log out" instead of "Logout"
- [OE-8590] - After selecting a suggested tip (Custom %, Tip 10%, Tip 15% and Tip 20%), tip amount field is not calculated automatically
- [OE-8951] - Guest facing - Continue button on different prep course screen overlaps the combo qualifiers
- [OE-9016] - Menu item options menu: Change "Turn on multi-select" to "Enable multi-select"
- [OE-9401] - Bluetooth alert message: Fix incorrect capitalization in message
- [OE-9415] - Kiosk - Split Check: Displays "Cannot Rename Check" on payment
- [OE-9418] - (APP) Advance Order: Save button on Set Date & Time looks disabled (iOS11)
- [OE-9747] - Gift card - Card inquiry - Automatically print chit showing available balance on gift card (MD)
- [OE-9866] - Cashout - Payment details - Hide/Show button display is not updated when Run Report is tapped
- [OE-9956] - Cannot scan misc. item sales items
- [OE-10026] - Scanner does not work after iPad screen locks
- [OE-10123] - Kiosk/Guest-facing - Cannot apply signature on credit card signature window for guest payments
- [OE-10137] - OE App - Application crashes when new app build (4538) is installed and loaded
- [OE-10159] - No Check Number is displayed in the receipt after placing an order in Guest-facing UI; Payment Not Allowed is enabled
- [OE-10163] - OE App - Unable to log in when the application is updated to the latest version (4553)
- [OE-10180] - Disabled components previously flagged as available for item(s) are still available
- [OE-10219] - Guest Facing/Kiosk: Tip is required when paying via PAX and VERIFONE using External Card Reader
- [OE-10237] - iPad: Update splash screen shows on iPads when a deploy has not been sent to the site
- [OE-10263] - Staff view: Notification badge is displayed above the guest identifier icon instead of customer (blue man) icon
- [OE-10278] - Send combo order item to kitchen, then tap item to expand; application crashes
- [OE-10303] - Payment: When Alternate Payment is disabled in ECM, the button should be grayed out on the app (consistent with disabling other payment options); instead the Alternate Payment button is removed (worked previously)
- [OE-10362] - Check Panel: Subsection is not indented or adjusted to the right; overlaps the (-) icon and the red/green bar on Edit mode
- [OE-10473] - Location Map: "Action required, Layout name already exist" is displayed when changing a background on the layout or entering a unique layout name
- [OE-10481] - Location Map: Casing is not validated on layout name field; able to add duplicate layout name
- [OE-10498] - Reopened check: Adjustment reasons available for a user are displayed on adjustments screen; user has no permission to refund
- [OE-10499] - Cashout - Comped transactions are not recorded on Cashout report (worked previously)
- [OE-10501] - Adjustments: Manager's swipe over - After manager completes refund, Manager becomes the session owner on the current and succeeding sessions on the table; should have released to server after adjustment
- [OE-10503] - Time Report (Paid and Unpaid tab) - Paid and Unpaid breaks with violation is not displayed under the paid and unpaid tab in Time Report
- [OE-10504] - Payment: Receive "Card Reader Error - no error file found" when using RFID card (NCL)
- [OE-10514] - Reports: After running a 90 days report on DSR, reporting services stop
- [OE-10524] - Cashout Report: Search for a previous cashout of a user then change the selected user; tap Run Report results to an app crash
- [OE-10546] - PLU: Error message is still displayed even though the app reaches idle time
- [OE-10548] - PLU: Order PLU/barcode entry; input valid PLU/barcode number results to menu item that has a lower order is displayed in check panel instead of a menu item that has a higher order
- [OE-10561] - Search button - Menu item with no default components does not directs to the customization screen
- [OE-10573] - Attach to a table via location keypad causes the app to crash; Default to location keypad on login is flagged on in ECM (iOS 9 and iOS10)
- [OE-10648] - Staff Login - RFID should not be displayed on the staff login when magtek reader is attached to the iPad
- [OE-10674] - Guest Facing: When the credit card payment is declined at guest facing and the transaction will be paid with cash, a wrong screen is displayed.
- [OE-10687] - Add Checks: Invalid state sync with server in progress was displayed when auto gratuities and discounts are applied on transactions
- [OE-10694] - NCL - Disabling ECM Flag "Enable Multiple Languages" does not remove function in guest UI
- [OE-10698] - NCL - The Bliss - UniPAY 3 loses sync with app, causing device not to be detected Link to video included
- [OE-10719] - NCL - The Bliss - Menu Manager (out of stock) does not update all iPads when adding/removing menu items from available items list. Relaunch of app required
- [OE-10746] - NCL - The Bliss - Guest Checks randomly print alternate language from localizations (Mandarin Chinese)
- [OE-10754] - Screensaver: App displays black screen 2 minutes after auto log out; need to restart the app to log in again
- [OE-10789] - Guest Facing: Disable multiple language on ECM, default language is not displayed
- [OE-10823] - Cashout: Labor Summary was displayed twice on the cashout report
- [OE-10832] - Kitchen Chit: Components and serving options are printed on the kitchen chit when setting is turned off
- [OE-10905] - Combo: When splitting a prevailing or reduced single combo, a "Split Item" text should be displayed.
- [OE-10930] - Report: Application crashes when time report details is enabled
- [OE-10981] - Gift cards (Slipstream/Midnight Express): Gift card balance chit is not automatically printed during card inquiry
- [OE-10985] - Server Assignments: Changing assigned server of locations to a current location assignee behaves incorrectly
- [OE-10999] - Edit checks by seat number does not move items with different seat number on different checks (worked previously)
- [OE-11047] - XCode 9 issues
- [OE-11116] - Registration page/screen for the site is not displayed properly
- [OE-11119] - Alert message is displayed when an item with tax exempt is moved to another check
- [OE-11124] - Split item keypad overlay shows larger background and points to Payment instead of the ordered item
- [OE-11125] - Tip Adjustment screen on time clock is not on proper alignment
- [OE-11126] - Add Checks overlay shows larger background
- [OE-11127] - Information overlay is not compressed; wide space occurs between Change Order Type and Related Items
- [OE-11128] - Switch button is display on void reason screen
- [OE-11131] - Multiple site is not display on center
- [OE-11132] - Check Panel - Color of the menu item with components and the price changes when collapsed
- [OE-11137] - Check Panel - Subsection when collapsed still displays when swiped to the left
- [OE-11138] - Guest-facing UI - Instructional message is ellipsis even if it is static
- [OE-11143] - Edit Settings: The action icon (blue box) is not visible, but displays menu options when the area is clicked
- [OE-11145] - PLU/barcode field overlaps the instructional message
- [OE-11146] - Menu Manager: Search icon is not properly aligned
- [OE-11151] - Pay Period overlay displays a larger background
- [OE-11152] - Create a Punch Record overlay displays a larger background; immediately displays the date picker
- [OE-11156] - Check Search: Order Types on the check search is not functioning
- [OE-11158] - Payroll Reports: Sort by Declared Tips is incorrect; sorts by DT (Double Time) instead
- [OE-11159] - Meal Break: No break violation report for late breaks (4.5)
- [OE-11168] - Payment Screen disorientation on app version 5150
- [OE-11185] - Gift Card reload screen is not automatically closed after gift card is swiped to magtek
- [OE-11210] - Time Clock: Unable to adjust declared tips after 22 rows of time clock records
- [OE-11242] - Location Manager > Checks - When tapped, the Checks pop-up should not display Paid, Unpaid and Parked tabs
- [OE-11259] - Combo: When splitting a combo, the item's components/serving options is displayed twice and overlaps with "Split Item" text
- [OE-11264] - Combo: When splitting a new combo after splitting a combo, Split screen is not displayed and the iPad is not responsive for a while
- [OE-11275] - Staff UI - Ordering menu item with 2 or 4 placement causes the app to crash
- [OE-11283] - Restricted item: user w/o permission to order can order restricted item using menu item search
- [OE-11387] - Reopened Check - Manager user has permission to refund; adjustment reasons for refund are available for the manager but do not display
- [OE-11422] - Start up crash and components are missing when order entry application is upgraded to a higher version
- [OE-9312] - Application honors Start/End Dates for Menu Items (avaiable in json data)
- [OE-9316] - Application honors Start/End dates for components (available in json data)
- [OE-9339] - App layer honors start/end dates for Adjustments
- [OE-9432] - Localization for "Review my order"
- [OE-9530] - Verify non-admins cannot disable admins
- [OE-9983] - iOS App Allow multiple Adjustments
- [OE-9999] - APP - add language ID in "GetCardInformation" request
- [OE-10005] - Show alphanumeric in LocationManager
- [OE-10124] - Application: PLU/Barcode Window
- [OE-10186] - iOS APP: apply menu item restriction flags from ECM
- [OE-10221] - APP: Localization for Use External Card Reader
- [OE-10273] - Guest UI payment: Implement UI/UX payment buttons and message on App
- [OE-10280] - APP - Adjust checking of applied payment and balance due
- [OE-10363] - client side computation on combos
- [OE-10487] - APP - Extend report timeout to 60 secs
- [OE-10668] - App: Discount adjustment payload, removing logic on adjusting the AdjustmentAmount to the remaining orderitem / check amount.
- [OE-10681] - Change condition for insufficient prompt during offline CC payment