Warning: With the death of Internet Explorer, we can no longer support multiple video formats, going forward we will only support mp4 video. Please convert all your video to mp4 before installing this version.
Build #301
- [LS-1001] - CSS styles not allowing override of factory defaults.
- [LS-1010] - Using a video for ShowMediaFirst causes a scripting issue.
Build #299
- [LS-1003] - Update Mottie on screen keyboard to latest version.
Build #297
- [LS-1000] - Recipe button group paging does not work in the current version.
Build #291
- [LS-997] - Fix path issue with cascading style sheets.
Build #277
- [LS-990] - Add the ability to choose an existing recipe language as a template when translating a recipe to another language.
Build #277
- [LS-990] - Add the ability to choose an existing recipe language as a template when translating a recipe to another language.
Build #276
- [LS-989] - Media Manager is slow loading media descriptions.
Build #275
- [LS-988] - Add the ability to scale RV portal.
- [LS-987] - Miscellaneous code block error when trying to show Access Denied page.
Build #273
- [LS-982] - Microsoft is forcibly retiring Internet Explorer 11, add media support for modern browsers.
- [LS-723] - Prep Category Report is blank for the new site.986] - Unable to watch videos in full screen.
Build #272
- [LS-945] - Update Recipe Viewer portal to a more modern style.
Build #268
- [LS-978] - Media editor image preview is zoomed in on Window Server 2019.
- [LS-979] - Recipe Printer blank ingredient lines are collapsed on Windows Server 2019.
Build #266
- [LS-973] - RV gets stuck in a startup loop that you cannot escape.
Build #261
- [LS-956] - Remove non-breaking spaces when searching recipe data.
Build #260
- [LS-955] - Recipe Editor version 255 crashes when sorting media via "Type".
Build #258
- [LS-956] - Add the ability to hide the old change report.
Build #256
- [LS-952] - Incorrect media URL when "Enable Media URL" and "Show Media First" is enabled.
Build #255
- [LS-951] - Remove Images from change tracking report.
Build #254
- [LS-946] - Issue with deleting recipe quantity columns.
Build #250
- [LS-944] - Unauthorized users are allowed access to recipes if they use the full URL of the recipe.
Build #249
- No changes - 6 months refresh of install media.
Build #248
- [LS-933] - Remove duplicate rows in change tracking report.
Build #247
- [LS-931] - Merge / unmerge cells for change tracking report.
- [LS-932] - Search Tags column should display content within the Search Tags column only in the change tracking report.
Build #244
- [LS-910] - Update “General Note” to “Notes” on General Tab and on Change Report.
- [LS-911] - General/Notes column should display content within the Change Notes column only.
- [LS-912] - Replace “Search Tags” with “Number” on the General Tab.
- [LS-913] - Remove “Recipe ID” column from the Change Report.
- [LS-914] - Track additions & deletions of new ingredients, procedures, and notes on the Change Report (not just modifications).
- [LS-915] - Correct Merging/Repeating Cells.
- [LS-916] - Make the line widths within the report consistent/same boldness.
- [LS-918] - Add “Number” to the last column of the Change report.
- [LS-903] - Fix depreciated action in Wix install.
Build #235
New Feature
- [LS-815] - Recipe Editor Change Report modification request.
- [LS-900] - Recipe Editor does not delete recipes.
Build #216
- [LS-868] - Remove Highlight Triggers Unhandled Exception.
- [LS-865] - Recipe Editor 2.162 Font Color Differences
- [LS-867] - Recipe Viewer Search Issue with Text Formatting
- [LS-857] - Recipes Print incomplete on Recipe Editor.
Build #199
New Feature
- [LS-828] - Support multiple external codes in recipe viewer
- [LS-840] - Cannot run change report for multiple recipes
- [LS-825] - Recipe Viewer does not print Recipe Headers when multiple recipes are selected
Build #194
New Feature
- [LS-820] - Admins can edit a notes field for each recipe, the field should be searchable in recipe editor
- [LS-818] - Need to remove Message : contact CBS from Recipe Viewer for Network related issues
- [LS-824] - RV - Images via URl Don't Display w/ Image Carousel
Build #183
- [LS-789] - Enable quantity filter drop down on Portal is broken
- [LS-790] - Hightlight background color does not change when background color is changed in the editor.
- [LS-791] - Suppress highlighted changes after the modified period feature does not remove highlight color in the editor
- [LS-797] - RV Display adds extra space when copying from Excel, Power point, and OutlookEmail
- [LS-798] - RV Display widens Row when Ingredients or procedures are Html edited.
- [LS-799] - Editor alters Procedures number sequence when copy recipe.
- [LS-800] - RV Display fails to alphabetize the changed, and new recipe labels.
- [LS-802] - HTML separator is not recognized by the Recipe Viewer.
- [LS-803] - Recipe Viewer Group labels do not display properly in IE 7 (WoodRanch)
New Feature
- [LS-792] - Culinary prints all line recipes (less procedures)
- [LS-801] - NSD PayComAdvanced TA102 Format needs to export hours x every day.
Build #176
- [LS-756] - Change report does not show which ingredient's Quantity was modified.
- [LS-760] - Recipe Viewer creates a blue highlighted bar when creating a link to a recipe.
- [LS-765] - Group editor auto sort does not sort unless a recipe is added
- [LS-766] - Enable Auto-Sort Recipe Group Not Working
- [LS-767] - Move Background Highlight Color from utils.js to css
Build #163
- [LS-752] - Viewer Group Disappears w/ Language Toggle
- [LS-527] - Adding role to tabs on Recipe Portal produces additional roles to be added
- [LS-743] - Recipe Group Auto Alpha Sort Does Not Stay Selected
Build #155
- [LS-742] - Recipe Import Does Not Import Recipe Details.
Build #153
- [LS-720] - As a user I want to edit the created and modified date captions so it can support different languages.
Build #150
- [LS-720] - As a user I want to edit the created and modified date captions so it can support different languages.
- [LS-724] - Recipe Group Editor displays created and edited recipes at the botttom of the list.
Build #143
- [LS-709] - Recipe image notes do not import
- [LS-714] - Recipe Viewer unable to play .MP4 videos in IPad.
- [LS-718] - When creating a new recipe the columns do not save.
- [LS-703] - Add path exist validation to recipe import / export
- [LS-508] - Enhance the Change Report to include additional criteria for the types of changes to report on, including export/import activities.
- [LS-708] - zip utility does not support international or long file names for exported recipes
- [LS-173] - Delete Recipe System is slow
Build #124
- [LS-330] - When you add [blank] stages, ingredients, procedures and notes, these will not show up in The change report
- [LS-675] - Admin cannot copy/paste using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V into Recipe Details
- [LS-676] - Change Report Logs False Changes
Build #111
- [LS-677] - When resequencing stages you must reselect the stage each time it moves
- [LS-681] - Recipe Media Library search is very slow. It displays not responding
- [LS-685] - Notes & Utensils sort order wrong when deleting and re-adding
- [LS-688] - Admin cannot copy/paste using RightClick in RecipeDetails
New Feature
- [LS-314] - Admin can do mass change of Media Image Resolution
- [LS-687] - When Importing for CTUIT swap quantity column data position in recipe
Build #100
- [LS-359] - When creating a new recipe, and then cancelling the task, it will create a new recipe on the database
- [LS-582] - Recipe Editor takes 8-10 minutes to load
- [LS-627] - App issue when settings don't exist for cache duration or sort announcements alpha settings, use defaults instead.
- [LS-628] - Error creating database during install
- [LS-202] - Sort recipe system Alphabetically instead of by when it was created.
- [LS-220] - Give the ability to add these special characters in the editor 1/16 and 3/16
- [LS-310] - Add the Ability to change the default language used in recipe editor
- [LS-311] - Add "Language(s)" Column to Recipe Lists in Editor
- [LS-591] - Admin can search quantities in recipe editor.
- [LS-630] - Add default data to Recipe Portal database.
- [LS-181] - Ability to print a list of Recipes from a filtered list
Build #67
Major Feature added - Recipe Viewer users can share recipes. Users can export recipes from one database and import them into a separate database.