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This article describes how to add a member to Order Entry. Order Entry Members are used for country clubs, frequent diner programs and delivery. 




  1. Attach the device to a location
  2. Touch Tap the "person" icon on the bottom left of the screen to bring up the Customer ManagerManager (rewards) screen 
  3. On the Customer Manager screen you can To search for an already existing Member by member, enter their email, phone, card or Check check-in
  4. Click To add a new customer into the system, tap "Add New Customer" on the Customer Manager screen to to add new customer information into the systemscreen 
  5. On the Customer Details screen fill in , complete the fields (card # is their loyalty card number) and press tap "Done" when complete
    ALTERNATE: To auto-generate a card: Enter the name and email; tap Done. A card number will be automatically entered in the card # field. 
  6. Once complete, you should see a notification number next to the person icon. The customer is now attached to the table
  7. Click on Tap the person icon to bring up the customer details screen. Here you can view rewards or remove the customer from the table. 


  1. Attach the device to a location
  2. Touch Tap the "person" icon on the bottom left of the screen to bring up the Customer Manager (rewards) screen screen

  3. On the Customer Manager screen you can To search for an already existing Member by member, enter their email, phone, card or Check check-in

  4. Click To add a new customer into the system, tap "Add New Customer" on the Customer Manager screen to to add new customer information into the systemscreen 

  5. On the Customer Details screen fill in , complete the fields (card # is their loyalty card number) and press tap "Done" when complete
    ALTERNATE: To auto-generate a card: Enter the name and email; tap Done. A card number will be automatically entered in the card # field. 

  6. Once complete you should see a notification number next to the person icon. The customer is now attached to the table

  7. Click on Tap the person icon to bring up the customer details screen. Here you can view rewards or remove the customer from the table. 




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