Check Search allows users to locate open and/or closed checks created within the last 90 days. (Today's date minus 90 days.) Checks Check search results can be filtered by any of the following criteria:
- Approximate Amount
- Tap the text field under Approx. Amt. to open the numerical numeric keypad.
- Enter the approximate amount of the check's balance. (Do not include tip in the check's balance.)
- Tap Search to refresh the search results. Any check that has a balance within $5 of the approximated balance will be displayed.
- Location Number
- Tap the text field under Location Number to open the numerical numeric keypad.
- Enter the number of the location that the check was created on.
- Tap Search to refresh the search results. Any check that was created on that location will be displayed.
- Card
- Tap the text field under Last 4 Digits on Card to open the numerical numeric keypad.
- Enter the last four digits of the card that was used to pay the check.
- Tap Search to refresh the search results. Any check that was paid for with a matching card will be displayed.
Note: The quantity ordered for an item is displayed (4 Salad)
Filter examples
identifier (shown below check number)
Member phone number
Member name