Alternate payments are miscellaneous forms of payment used instead of cash, credit card or gift card. These might include gift certificates, loyalty programs (e.g., pasta points), house accounts, etc.
In ECM, configuration is managed in two areas:
- Financial - Alternate types of payment are configured under the Financial tab.
- Jobs - Permission are granted to specific jobs to use specific types of alternate payments.
Add or Edit Alternate Payments
Path: Financial > Alternate payments
- You can also edit the Name, Description or External Code from the Alternate Payments grid by clicking in the text field and revising the text.
- Select or clear the checkbox to make active or inactive.
- Save changes or cancel changes when done.
User permission to use alternate payment
Path: Users > Jobs
Users must have permission set under Jobs to use alternate payments. Various alternate payments can be flagged for different jobs.
- Select a job, click Alternate payments
- Checkmark specific alternate payments to provide permission for the selected job type to use.
On the app, the user may go to the payment screen and tap Alternate in the payment options bar at top.
The type will also appear in the check screen at left.