Build #277
- [LS-945] - Update Recipe Viewer portal to a more modern style.
Build #268
- [LS-978] - Media editor image preview is zoomed in on Window Server 2019.
- [LS-979] - Recipe Printer blank ingredient lines are collapsed on Windows Server 2019.
- [LS-956] - Remove non-breaking spaces when searching recipe data.
Build #260
- [LS-955] - Recipe Editor version 255 crashes when sorting media via "Type".
Build #258
- [LS-956] - Add the ability to hide the old change report.
Build #256
- [LS-952] - Incorrect media URL when "Enable Media URL" and "Show Media First" is enabled.
- [LS-946] - Issue with deleting recipe quantity columns.
Build #250
- [LS-944] - Unauthorized users are allowed access to recipes if they use the full URL of the recipe.
Build #249
- No changes - 6 months refresh of install media.
Build #248
- [LS-933] - Remove duplicate rows in change tracking report.
Build #247
- [LS-931] - Merge / unmerge cells for change tracking report.
- [LS-932] - Search Tags column should display content within the Search Tags column only in the change tracking report.
Build #244
- [LS-910] - Update “General Note” to “Notes” on General Tab and on Change Report.
- [LS-911] - General/Notes column should display content within the Change Notes column only.
- [LS-912] - Replace “Search Tags” with “Number” on the General Tab.
- [LS-913] - Remove “Recipe ID” column from the Change Report.
- [LS-914] - Track additions & deletions of new ingredients, procedures, and notes on the Change Report (not just modifications).
- [LS-915] - Correct Merging/Repeating Cells.
- [LS-916] - Make the line widths within the report consistent/same boldness.
- [LS-918] - Add “Number” to the last column of the Change report.
- [LS-903] - Fix depreciated action in Wix install.
Build #235
New Feature
- [LS-815] - Recipe Editor Change Report modification request.
- [LS-900] - Recipe Editor does not delete recipes.
Build #216
- [LS-868] - Remove Highlight Triggers Unhandled Exception.
- [LS-865] - Recipe Editor 2.162 Font Color Differences
- [LS-867] - Recipe Viewer Search Issue with Text Formatting
- [LS-857] - Recipes Print incomplete on Recipe Editor.
Build #199
New Feature
- [LS-828] - Support multiple external codes in recipe viewer
- [LS-202] - Sort recipe system Alphabetically instead of by when it was created.
- [LS-220] - Give the ability to add these special characters in the editor 1/16 and 3/16
- [LS-310] - Add the Ability to change the default language used in recipe editor
- [LS-311] - Add "Language(s)" Column to Recipe Lists in Editor
- [LS-591] - Admin can search quantities in recipe editor.
- [LS-630] - Add default data to Recipe Portal database.
- [LS-181] - Ability to print a list of Recipes from a filtered list
Build #67
Major Feature added - Recipe Viewer users can share recipes. Users can export recipes from one database and import them into a separate database.