In ECM, users are assigned roles. These roles jobs, which define the activities that are permitted for their assigned job.
- User Jobs have configurable permissions and rates of pay.
- A bookkeeper job, for example, who doesn't interact with guests, would have different user permissions than a server job who takes orders, performs check operations, takes payment, etc.
- In most cases, managers will be permitted more actions than other roles; there may also be different levels of manager permissions set for different management roles.
- Users can be enabled or disabled to allow or deny access when logging in.
Log in to Enterprise Content Management. Click Order Entry.
Navigate to the User Users page.
- Add: Click Add User to create a new user.
- Edit: Tap the pencil icon next to a pre-existing user to edit.
Enter To add, enter the user's information and choose the sites they have access to:
Alias/ Nick NameNickname - Enter a nick name nickname for a user that will show for that user on all iPads.
Full Name - Enter the employees' full name.
Key Code - Enter a key code that the user will use to login log in to an iPad. If your restaurant has mag cards enabled, this will also be the number associated with the users user's mag card.
External Code - Please leave Leave as default value. External Codes are used for 3rd-party-software developers.
Disabled - Checkbox to enable or disable a user. If flagged, this user will not show up on any iPad.
Sites/Areas/RolesAssignment - In this section, users are assigned to a site, an area and a role for that specific area. Each user MUST be flagged to work at a site and an area assigned to a role in order to loginlog in.
Jobs and Rates - In this section, users are assigned a job and their rate of pay. Each user MUST be flagged for at least one job and have a rate entered in order to loginlog in.
Click the Jobs and Rates tab in the pop-up. Select their a job. They The user will now have the rate and permissions of designated for that job.
Click Save when finished.
Click Save Changes to finalize or Cancel Changes to start over.
Use the External Code to log in to the iPad.
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