Datacap NETePay Installation Setup
- Download the proper NETePay Installer from the Datacap website:
- Click
- NETePay 5.0
- Click the site's current processor
- (You can verify this from the site's ECM Payment Tab or from Brittany Busse. We'll be utilizing Mercury as an example for now)
- Once Mercury is chosen
- After selecting Mercury (for this example), follow the
Steps - steps provided on its installation page then download and install the software. (
Since - For this Mercury example
is Mercury- , the download file is
called NETePay- called NETePay-MercuryHost50611-Install20151117-W8)
- Follow the installer and answer the questions and it will ask you
- After following the installation instructions, you will be asked to restart the server.
- After following the installation instructions, you will be asked to restart the server.
- Double-click on the NETePay icon that now appears on the desktop.
- Click Obtain Seral Serial Number - This should automatically approve.
- It will inform you that the configuration is not set - Click OK
- Hover mouse over Setup and click on click Setup Information.
- Click on Load New Parameters then click Yes after it displays on the error message to attempt activation.
- Click on I Have My Deployment ID
- Enter the Deployment ID. (This is the Password for the Merchant ID in the LIVE site's ECM Payment Tab)
If the Deployment ID is correct and verified, it will display the site's information. (If shows an error message appears, then the site's Deployment ID hasn't been approved yet for EMV utilization).
- Finished
VX805 Setup
- Before you begin VX805
- setup:
- Verify that you've completed the ECM EMV Setup
- Verify Datacap NETePay installation (above
- ) has been completed and DEPLOYED to the site
- Have the VX805 device connected and on hand.
- On the iPad, open Order Entry.
- Swipe to Cashier Menu page; tap Edit Settings.
- Tap the box icon on the bottom left, then tap Initialize NFC (Near-Field Communication).
- The VX805 device will reboot and initialize the software.
- After the Rere-Initialization initialization of the VX805, you can use the Chip Reader chip reader at the bottom of the VX805 VX805.
- Finished